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单词 felicitous
释义  fe·li·ci·tous /fɪˈlɪsɪtəs/ adjective formal or literary  SUITABLEwell-chosen and suitable 恰当的,贴切的,选得好的 OPP infelicitous a felicitous choice of candidate 最佳候选人Examples from the Corpusfelicitous• Not a term I would use myself, since I do not find it particularly felicitous.• This wide disposition yielded felicitous effects of colour and tone which always fell pleasingly on the ear.• On reflection the chess metaphor is not a felicitous one.• Overnight, it seems, my felicitous situation ended just as quickly.• Lincoln's felicitous words about governmentfe·li·ci·tous adjectiveChineseSyllable  and suitable well-chosen Corpus




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