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单词 fatality
释义  Related topics: Deathfa·tal·i·ty /fəˈtæləti/ noun (plural fatalities)  1  [countable]DIE a death in an accident or a violent attack 〔事故或暴力袭击中的〕死亡 a 50% increase in the number of traffic fatalities 交通事故死亡人数50%的增长2  [uncountable] formalMX the fact that a disease is certain to cause death 〔疾病的〕致命性 The most serious form of skin cancer has a 30 percent fatality rate. 最严重的皮肤癌致死率可达30%。3. [uncountable] formalCONTROL the feeling that you cannot control what happens to you 宿命,听天由命Examples from the Corpusfatality• A further adjustment is required for direct costs associated with a fatality that are not borne by the family of the victim.• Airplane fatality rates are low.• Six months on, few of the fish have grown and fatalities have begun to occur.• At least one double fatality has been caused in this way.• This is borne out by the 1991 figures which tell us that out of eight fatalities, half involved the tractor.• There were no hepatic fatalities in the United States in patients over 10 years of age on monotherapy.• But there were no fatalities and the number of accidents for older riders was falling.• New drugs have reduced the fatality of the disease.• This year there have been 15% fewer traffic fatalities.fa·tal·i·ty nounChineseSyllable  death a accident Corpus or an violent in a




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