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单词 far-off
释义  ˌfar-ˈoff adjective literary  1  FARa long way from where you are 遥远的 SYN distanta far-off land/country/place etc visitors from a far-off land 远方来客 far-off galaxies 遥远的星系2  LONG TIMEa long time ago 很久以前的 in those far-off days when we were young 在我们那远去的青春岁月里Examples from the Corpusfar-off• So there was a vision of treasure, far-off blood, and fear.• The first stunning silence gave way to the creaking of the ship and a far-off booming of the sea against the hull.• Women weave scarves that are sold in far-off countries.• Could it be that one far-off day intelligent computers will speculate about their own lost origins?• Making tough choices now will pay dividends in the far-off days of summer.• They knew that invaders would come from a far-off land.• It rouses far-off memories of infancy, of being handled and given comfort.• But he did fly, in his imagination, on make-believe journeys to far-off realms.• From a distance, Europa had seemed like a giant snowball, reflecting the light of the far-off Sun with remarkable efficiency.a far-off land/country/place etc• A messenger from a far-off land brought fearful news - see the Stuff pages for full details. 5.ˌfar-ˈoff adjectiveChineseSyllable  are long a from you way where Corpus




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