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单词 family planning
释义  Related topics: Birth, Familyˌfamily ˈplanning noun [uncountable]  MBthe practice of controlling the number of children that are born by using contraception 计划生育 a family planning clinic 计划生育门诊部Examples from the Corpusfamily planning• Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.• If you would like advice on contraception, talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic.• I did make an appointment at the local family planning clinic.• The services are available from hospitals, clinics and family doctors who have agreed to provide family planning advice.• Ask your doctor or at the family planning clinic.• Drives to convince women to take up family planning use the mass media to the full.• Educated women have fewer unwanted babies; they are more likely to use family planning methods.• So, make an appointment at your family planning clinic or go and talk to your college doctor.ˌfamily ˈplanning nounChineseSyllable   Corpus number practice the of the controlling of




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