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单词 false teeth
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautyˌfalse ˈteeth noun [plural]  DCBa set of artificial teeth worn by someone who has lost their natural teeth 〔整副的〕假牙 SYN denturesExamples from the Corpusfalse teeth• This is rather a trivial example: if teeth were the only problem, senescence could be cured by false teeth.• His lips were intensely smiling and his false teeth shone.• He rummaged the bed - another fright, his life was full of them - for his false teeth.• And indeed his mouth was empty; evidently he had removed his false teeth.• And she can't be the only young girl in the school with a full set of false teeth.• Talk of false teeth in this setting?• Should I have taken the false teeth?• The officer was city-bred and educated, so that the false teeth appeared to him in a different light.ˌfalse ˈteeth nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a someone of set artificial teeth worn who by




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