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单词 factory farming
释义  Related topics: Agricultureˈfactory ˌfarming noun [uncountable]  TAa type of farming in which animals are kept inside, in small spaces or small cages, and made to grow or produce eggs very quickly 工厂化养殖 [畜牧] —factory farm noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusfactory farming• Criticisms of factory farming have been rehearsed often enough.• Primary education isn't some form of factory farming based on controlled diets of programmes of study and attainment targets.From Longman Business Dictionaryfactory farmingˈfactory ˌfarming (also battery farming)FARMING when large numbers of animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens are kept in buildings so that food from them can be produced quickly and cheaplycampaigns against factory farmingintensive factory farming methods → farmingˈfactory ˌfarming nounChineseSyllable  are of type farming a Corpus which Business in inside, kept animals




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