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单词 fabulous
释义  fab·u·lous /ˈfæbjələs/ ●●○ adjective  1  GOOD/EXCELLENTextremely good or impressive 极好的;绝妙的 SYN wonderful You look fabulous! 你看上去美极了! a fabulous meal 丰盛的一餐 The room has fabulous views across the lake. 那个房间可以看到美丽的湖景。2  [only before noun]LOT/VERY MUCH very large in amount or size 巨额的;巨大的 SYN huge the Duke’s fabulous wealth 那位公爵的巨额财富3. [only before noun]IMAGINE fabulous creatures, places etc are mentioned in traditional stories, but do not really exist 神话寓言中的,传说中的 → fableExamples from the Corpusfabulous• Their Chicken Kiev is delicious, and as for their garlic bread ... fabulous!• I think this is pretty fabulous.• Oh, man, those are fabulous.• She was distinctly a bit funny about her diamonds, always reputed to be fabulous.• For $ 239, you and your Valentine are treated to the same fabulous dinner, and overnight accommodations.• Be bold with strong shades - that's the key to this fabulous face!• Against this background the rosy-tipped lamp standards seemed like fabulous lantern plants in a land of faerie.• That was really a fabulous meal.• Close by is a fabulous network of caves, filled with deep lakes of clear blue water.• The painting was sold for a fabulous sum.fabulous wealth• Both he and Dempster had depended on Lord Aviemore's fabulous wealth if for some reason the project failed.• Libel Despite her fabulous wealth, Sam's only property is a humble £60,000 two-bedroom flat in North London.Origin fabulous (1400-1500) Latin fabulosus, from fabula; → FABLEfab·u·lous adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus or extremely impressive good




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