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单词 extramural
释义  Related topics: Collegeex·tra·mu·ral /ˌekstrəˈmjʊərəl◂ $ -ˈmjʊr-/ adjective [only before noun]  1  OUT/OUTSIDErelating to a place or organization but happening or done outside it 某地点以外的;机构以外的 extramural activities 机构外的活动2. especially British EnglishSEC extramural courses are for people who are not full-time students 校外的〔指课程为非全日制学生开设的〕Examples from the Corpusextramural• He has always been careful to balance his busy executive life with a strong interest in extramural activities.• One night, after an extramural film excursion, Carl stays behind in her flat.• It presumably developed as an extramural market place.• the director of extramural research• extramural sportsOrigin extramural (1800-1900) Latin extra muros “outside the walls”ex·tra·mu·ral adjectiveChineseSyllable  place but or happening relating organization or Corpus to a




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