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单词 extent
释义  ex·tent /ɪkˈstent/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  to ... extent AMOUNTused to say how true something is or how great an effect or change is 到…程度;在…程度上to a certain extent/to some extent/to an extent (=partly) 在某种程度上 We all to some extent remember the good times and forget the bad. 我们在某种程度上都会记住美好时光而忘掉不愉快的事情。 I do agree with him to an extent. 我在一定程度上确实同意他的意见。to a great/large extent Its success will depend to a large extent on local attitudes. 此事的成功在很大程度上将取决于当地人的态度。to a lesser/greater extent (=less or more) 在较轻/更大程度上 It will affect farmers in Spain and to a lesser extent in France. 这将影响到西班牙的农民,其次是法国农民。 They examined the extent to which (=how much) age affected language-learning ability. 他们调查了年龄会在多大程度上影响语言学习能力。 To what extent (=how much) did she influence his decision? 她在多大程度上影响了他的决定?to such an extent that/to the extent that (=so much that) 达到如此程度/达到…的程度 Violence increased to the extent that residents were afraid to leave their homes. 暴力事件猛增,居民们都不敢出门了。2  [uncountable]SIZE how large, important, or serious something is, especially something such as a problem or injury 程度〔问题或伤势等的大小、重要性和严重性〕extent of Considering the extent of his injuries, he’s lucky to be alive. 就他的伤势来说,他能活下来真是够幸运的。 It’s too early to assess the full extent of the damage. 要全面评估损失程度还为时过早。3  [uncountable]SIZE the length or size of something 长度;面积 They opened out the nets to their full extent. 他们把渔网完全张开。in extent The region is over 10,000 square kilometres in extent. 这个地区的面积超过10,000平方公里。► see thesaurus at size COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: phrasesto some extent/to a certain extent (=partly) 在较轻/更大程度上nWhat you say is true to some extent, but it’s not the whole picture.nto a large/great extent (=a large amount)The materials we use will depend to a large extent on what is available.nto a small extent (=a small amount)The plan succeeded to a small extent.nto a greater extent (=more)Children suffer the effects of poor diet to a greater extent than adults.nto a lesser extent (also to less extent) (=less)The same is true for women, though to a lesser extent.nto a considerable/significant extent (=a considerable or significant amount)The affair affected his popularity to a considerable extent. nto a limited extent (=not a very large amount)In the USA, and to a limited extent in Britain, the housing market is in such an extent that/to the extent that (=so much that) 达到如此程度/达到…的程度nHe annoyed her to such an extent that she had to leave the room.nto the same extent (=to the same amount)The roads were congested but not to the same extent as in London.nto what extent? (=how much?)To what extent does cutting down trees contribute to climate change?nthe extent to which (=how much)The report focused on the use of speed cameras, particularly the extent to which they reduced accidents. COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: how large, important, or serious something is, especially something such as a problem or injury 程度〔问题或伤势等的大小、重要性和严重性〕adjectivesthe full extent 全貌He refused to reveal the full extent of his debts. 他拒绝透露自己的详细债务情况。the actual/true extent 实际/真实情况Rescue workers still do not know the true extent of the disaster. 救援人员依然不清楚灾难的真实情况。verbsknow/realize the extent of something 知道/意识到某事的程度We do not yet know the extent of the damage. 我们还不知道受损程度。understand the extent of something 了解某事的程度Other people didn’t seem to understand the extent of his disability. 其他人似乎并不了解他的残疾程度。discover/find out the extent of something 发现某事的程度We were shocked when we discovered the extent of the fraud. 我们发现诈骗情节有多严重时很震惊。assess/establish/determine the extent of something 评估/确定某事的程度We are still trying to assess the extent of the problem. 我们仍在设法评估问题的严重性。show/reveal the extent of something 显示/表明某事的程度These pictures show the extent of the devastation caused by the earthquake. 这些照片展示了这次地震造成的破坏程度。nA report published by the government has revealed the extent of air pollution in the area.Examples from the Corpusextent• Discontent had grown to such an extent that the government had to withdraw the new tax.• The principality measured about 16,500 kilometres in extent.• Complete disruption of lysosomes also occurs, but to a lesser extent resulting in less marked release of enzyme into the supernatant.• Government inspectors will assess the extent of the damage.• Considering the extent of his injuries, he's lucky to be alive.• Precision defines the extent to which a measurement technique can discriminate between differences in magnitude.• She stared at him without speaking, examining the extent of the damage.• To the extent that he focused on Indochina at all, he was ambivalent.• To the extent that these prudential rules vary the Right of Establishment tends to be inoperative.• So opacity can be equated with the extent to which the reader is required to be creative.• the extent of the palace grounds• The extent of the Red Creek ranch is enormous.• To what extent is it possible to align states and nations in the contemporary world?• To what extent is the pattern already preformed?• To what extent were politicians responsible for the high unemployment which Britain experienced between the wars?extent of• There is disagreement about the extent of American influence in Europe.full extent• Somehow news correspondents covering the administration, including me, never grasped the full extent of the guerrilla war within the administration.• But that is the full extent of the money listed from dinner participants.• And you must be aware of the full extent or limitations of whatever is offered to you.• But only now did she have confirmation of the full extent of her betrayal by Urquhart.• I do not have a chance to test the full extent of my charity.• This was the full extent of the investigation.• The clamour reached a crescendo last year when the full extent of the problems relating to the Solicitors Indemnity Fund emerged.• The full extent of its difficulties is not generally known.Origin extent (1500-1600) Anglo-French extente, from Latin extendere; → EXTENDex·tent noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  used say true great something to or is Corpus how how




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