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单词 expostulate
释义  ex·pos·tu·late /ɪkˈspɒstʃəleɪt $ -ˈspɑː-/ verb [intransitive] formal  EXPRESSto express strong disapproval, disagreement, or annoyance with someone 反对;争论;反驳 —expostulation /ɪkˌspɒstʃəˈleɪʃən $ -ˌspɑː-/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusexpostulate• Breeze looked up, meaning to expostulate, but was silenced by what she saw in her sister's face.• Now and again one would try to expostulate with the man in white but it was no good; nobody was listening.Origin expostulate (1500-1600) Latin past participle of expostulare, from postulare “to ask for”ex·pos·tu·late verbChineseSyllable  express disapproval, Corpus disagreement, annoyance strong or with to someone




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