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单词 expandable
释义 Word family  noun expansion adjective expandable verb expand  ex·pand·a·ble /ɪkˈspændəbəl/ adjective  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTable to be increased or made larger 可扩大的,可放大的 a computer with 2 GB RAM expandable to 4 GB RAM 内存2G、可扩展至4G的计算机Examples from the Corpusexpandable• Apparently the amount of space dedicated to it is expandable according to interest.• But it was not expandable and as the creature grew, it had to shed its shell regularly.• Self expandable biliary stents have been used for palliative treatment of malignant biliary strictures.• Self expandable steel braided endoprostheses were first used for the treatment of vascular and urological benign strictures, with good clinical results.• The system uses up to four processors per card, and is expandable to 40 processors.• This box may draw from some central archive or contain its own expandable universe of data.ex·pand·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  or be to larger made increased able Corpus




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