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单词 existence
释义 Word family  noun existence ≠ non-existence existent existentialism existentialist coexistence adjective existent ≠ nonexistent existing pre-existing existential existentialist verb exist coexist  ex·ist·ence /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/ ●●○ W2 noun  1  [uncountable]EXIST the state of existing 存在;实有existence of It is impossible to prove the existence of God. 无法证明上帝的存在。in existence The organization has been in existence for 25 years. 该组织已存在25年了。 Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into existence (=started to exist). 关于宇宙的起源,科学家有多种理论。existence of The very existence of the museum is threatened by lack of funding. 博物馆的生存受到资金缺乏的威胁。 the continued existence of economic inequalities 经济不平等的持续存在2  [countable usually singular]LIFESURVIVE the type of life that someone has, especially when it is bad or unhappy 〔尤指不幸的〕生活,生活方式 Pablo led a miserable existence when he first moved to San Juan. 巴勃罗刚搬到圣胡安时,生活很悲惨。 → eke out a living/existence at eken COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the state of existingverbscome into existence (=start to exist)Pakistan came into existence as an independent country in 1947.spring into existence (=suddenly start to exist)After the invasion, a French resistance movement sprang into existence.bring something into existence formal (=make something start to exist)The state must follow the terms of the treaty that brought it into existence.go out of existence (=stop existing)If a buyer isn't found, this famous old club could go out of existence.acknowledge/recognize/accept the existence of something (=agree that something exists)They organization finally acknowledged the existence of a problem.prove/confirm/establish the existence of something (=prove that something exists)The images confirm the existence of water on the planet's surface.deny the existence of something (=say that something does not exists)He strongly denied the existence of God.doubt the existence of something (=not believe that something exists)Some people doubt the existence of life at the very bottom of the ocean.jeopardize/threaten the existence of something (=make it likely that something will stop existing)The strike could jeopardize the existence of his company.owe your existence to something (=be able to exist because of something)The birds owe their existence to the fact that there are no natural predators on the island.adjectivesbrief/short The band had rather a brief existence.The show's existence was extremely short.human existenceDarwin's theory of natural selection changed our view of human existence forever.something's very existenceThe university's very existence is at stake.something's actual existencePoaching now threatens the animal's actual existence.something's continued existenceThe city's continued existence is threatened by rising water levels.something's mere existence (=just the fact that something exists)The mere existence of a contract does not guarantee that you will be paid.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the type of life that someone has, especially when it is bad or unhappyadjectiveseveryday/daily/day-to-day existence (=someone's normal life that is the same most days)He saw drugs as a way of escaping the tedium of his everyday existence.a lonely/solitary existence (=without anyone else with you)Male bears live a mostly solitary existence, away from the female and cubs.a miserable existence (=very unpleasant)The refugees had to endure a miserable existence in the desert.a dull/routine existenceI was overjoyed at the prospect of leaving my routine existence behind.a frugal existence (=without much money)He led a hard and frugal existence.a hand-to-mouth existence (=with just enough food or money to live)The survivors lived a hand-to-mouth existence until they were rescued.a precarious existence (=only just managing to live)The islanders, who rely solely on the sea to provide food, have a precarious existence.a comfortable existence (=with plenty of food and money)He left behind his comfortable existence to become a monk.a peaceful existenceThe various tribes on the island enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence.a quiet existenceHe led a quiet existence, broken only by occasional visits from his family.a rural/urban/suburban existence (=life in the country/city/suburbs)The girls hated their drab suburban existence.verbslead/live a solitary/frugal etc existenceThe women lead a miserable existence.enjoy a peaceful/quiet etc existenceThey enjoy a comfortable existence.Examples from the Corpusexistence• Sovereigns are born for an active life, and not for an idle or contemplative existence.• It is probable that a maypole tradition had already been in existence for many years, if not centuries.• It is the fastest, most effective way to build muscles in existence.• Today there are less than 100 copies of the book still in existence.• It also exposes the fallacy of thinking that every possible world might come into existence sooner or later.• Elena faced a lonely existence in the big city.• The workers lived a miserable existence and were treated like serfs.• It's not that my family deliberately kept Fred's existence a secret.• For the first time she began to doubt the existence of God.• One consequence of reflection is the existence of standing waves on the line.• Culture is derived as a historical force prior to the existence of any individual subject, but is only realizable through agency.• The existence of such systems is less important than the fact that they are technically feasible and get reported as such.existence of• Do you believe in the existence of God?led a ... existence• However, in early days he seems to have led a sunny existence.• My several lives were often incompatible, and I led a schizophrenic existence.• John Tiller led a fragmented existence at this time.• Durkheim was a very austere man who led a rigidly timetabled existence and refused to talk to his family except at mealtimes.ex·ist·ence noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   the Corpus of state existing




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