随便看 |
- the science museum
- the-science-museum
- the scientific fraternity
- the scientific method
- the scilly isles
- the-scilly-isles
- the scopes trial
- the-scopes-trial
- the scotland office
- the-scotland-office
- the scotsman
- the-scotsman
- thescotsman
- the scottish highlands
- the-scottish-highlands
- the scottish legal system
- the-scottish-legal-system
- the scottish national party
- the-scottish-national-party
- the Scottish National Party
- the scottish office
- the-scottish-office
- the scottish parliament
- the-scottish-parliament
- the scottish play
- Merit rating
- Timberline
- Quebecois
- Taken over
- A stab in the back
- Work over
- Nonnegotiable
- Vital sign
- Lock up
- Vertebral
- 稻生于水,而不能生于湍濑之流;芝生于山,而不能生于盘石之上
- 稻花香里说丰年
- 稻花香里说丰年 — 田园隐逸诗词
- 稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片
- 稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片
- 稻草、土豆、黑炭
- 稻草的量词使用,词语解释
- 稻香《沙漠与绿洲》
- 稼村类稿
- 稼说》简析
- 稼轩《中秋饮酒达旦,用〈天问〉体作〈木兰花慢〉以送月》曰:“可怜今夕月,向何处,去悠悠?是别有人间,那边才见,光景东头.”词人想象,直悟月轮绕地之理,与科学家密合,可谓神悟.
- 稼轩《贺新郎》词:“柳暗凌波路.送春归猛风暴雨,一番新绿.”又《定风波》词:“从此酒酣明月夜.耳热.”“绿”、“热”二字,皆作上去用,与韩玉《东浦词·贺新郎》以“玉”、“曲”叶“注”、“女”,《卜算子》以“夜”、“谢”叶“食”、“月”,已开北曲四声通押之祖.
- 稼轩《贺新郎》词(送茂嘉十二弟),章法绝妙,且语语有境界,此能品而几于神者.然非有意为之,故后人不能学也.
- 稼轩词编年笺注》简介介绍
- 稼轩长短句
- Comex句子
- Actual damages句子
- Deacetylation句子
- Toroidal句子
- Hernias句子
- Factory orders句子
- Construction spending句子
- Neurohormonal句子
- Rewinder句子
- Treater句子
- Drug company句子
- OTD句子
- Xviii句子
- The next best句子
- In the movement句子