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单词 exam
释义 Word family  noun exam examination cross-examination examiner verb examine cross-examine  Related topics: Education, Hospitalex·am /ɪɡˈzæm/ ●●● S1 noun [countable]  1  EXAM/TESTa spoken or written test of knowledge, especially an important one 〔尤指重要的〕考试 At the end of each level, there’s an exam. 在每一级别结束时都有一次考试。 How did you do in your exams? 你考试考得怎么样?► see thesaurus at test2  American EnglishSE the paper on which the questions for an exam are written (考)试卷 Do not open your exams until I tell you. 听到指令前不要打开试卷。3  American EnglishMH a set of medical tests 医学检查 an eye exam 眼睛检查 COLLOCATIONSverbstake/do an exam (also sit an exam British English) 参加考试We have to take exams at the end of each year. 每年年底我们都得参加考试。pass an exam (=succeed in it) 通过考试Did you pass your final exam? 期末考试你通过了吗?fail an exam 没有通过考试If you fail the exam, you can retake it. 如果考试不及格,可以重考。do well/badly in an exam British English, do well/badly on an exam American English: 考试考得好/不好Maria always did well in her exams at school. 玛丽亚读书时考试成绩一向不错。study for an exam (also revise for an exam British English) 复习备考She has to study for her exams. 她得复习功课,准备考试。sail through an exam (=pass it easily) 顺利通过考试Don’t worry - I’m sure you’ll sail through all your exams. 别担心——我敢肯定你能顺利通过每一门考试。scrape through an exam (=only just pass it) 勉强通过考试nHe managed to scrape through the exam and stay on the course.flunk an exam American English informal (=fail it) 考试不及格nI flunked all my first year exams.cheat in an exam British English, cheat on an exam American English: 考试作弊nShe was caught cheating in the exam.retake an exam (also resit an exam British English) (=take it again because you did not do well the first time) 重考,补考nIf you don’t do well, you’ll have to resit the exam in January.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + exama chemistry/French etc exam 化学/法语等考试I knew I wouldn’t pass the German exam. 我知道自己通不过德语考试。a written exam 笔试There is a written exam at the end of the course. 课程结束时有一次笔试。an oral exam (=in which you answer questions by speaking) 口试I have my French oral exams next week. 下周我有法语口试。a mock exam British English (=one that you do to practise for the real exams) 模拟考试He did well in the mock exams. 模拟考试他考得不错。a practical exam (=in which you have to make or do things) 实验[实践]考试nThere’s a practical exam as well as a written one.a final exam (=at the end of a course) 期终(结业)考试nThe students take their final exams in June.the end of year/term exam British English: 期终考试nI knew I had to do well in the end of year exams.high school exams 高中考试nGreg got good grades in all of his high school entrance exam (=in order to enter a school or university) 入学考试nJane passed the entrance exam but decided not to go.a professional exam (=to qualify in a profession, for example to be an accountant) 专业考试nOnce you’ve passed your professional exams, you can start to build up your experience.the bar exam (=in order to become a lawyer) 律师资格考试nHe is studying for the bar exam.board exams American English (=in order to become a nurse or doctor) 医师[护士]资格考试nHe failed his board exams in psychiatry.exam + NOUNexam results 考试成绩The school achieves consistently good exam results. 该校考试成绩一向不错。an exam paper 试卷I’ve still got dozens of exam papers to mark. 我还有好多试卷要评分。an exam question 试题Read the exam questions carefully before writing your answers. 仔细阅读试题,然后再下笔作答。exam revision British English: 考前温习nI have to do my exam revision this weekend.exam practice 考前练习nSchools say they have to spend too much time doing exam practice.nan exam essay/script (=that someone has written during an exam)I’ve brought in some old exam scripts for us to look at.exam technique (=good ways to succeed in exams) 考试技巧nMr Frasier gave us some useful tips on exam technique.nexam marksPupils were divided into classes with a similar range of ability, based on their previous exam marks.COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘make an exam’. Say take an exam or do an exam. 不要说 ‘make an exam’. 而要说 take an exam 或 do an exam.Examples from the Corpusexam• Students are not allowed to talk during the examination.• He's upstairs, revising for an exam.• At one point, Fred cheated on an exam.• We have a biology exam tomorrow, and I haven't done any work for it yet.• a chemistry exam• In Japan, entrance exams are very important, and many children go to extra classes to prepare for them.• Final exams will be just before Christmas.• Proving that I could do it, and do it well, was finally my sole motivation when I began my exams.• Study past exam papers, noting the exam format, the choice of questions, and the all-important time limit.• The task force recommends physical exams every one to three years, essentially duplicating the screenings for the younger group.• We were then given a simple exam which consisted of crossing out stupid answers in order to leave the least stupid one.• She says many things other than exam results make a good school.• The exam covered the material they had read; they were allowed to use their notes.• How did you manage to fail all those exams?• How did you do in your exams?in your exams• I had come first in our exams and tests.Origin exam (1800-1900) examinationex·am noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a especially test or spoken of written an knowledge, Corpus




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