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单词 error
释义 Word family  noun error adjective erroneous  Related topics: Computersldoce_716_zer·ror /ˈerə $ ˈerər/ ●●● S3 W2 AWL noun  1  MISTAKE[countable, uncountable] a mistake 错误,谬误error in There must be an error in our calculations. 我们的计算肯定有错。► see thesaurus at mistake RegisterError is rather formal and is mainly used when talking about computers or in some fixed expressions such as human error. In everyday English, people usually use mistake: 相当正式,主要用于与计算机相关的语境中,或用于 human error 等固定搭配。在日常英语中,人们一般用 mistakeThere must be a mistake somewhere. 一定是哪里出了错。2  [countable] a mistake when you are working on a computer, which means that the computer program cannot do what you want it to do 〔计算机运行时的〕错误 an error message 出错信息3  error of judgment MISTAKEa mistake in the way that you examine a situation and decide what to do 判断失误 The decision to expand the company was an error of judgment. 扩展公司业务的决定是判断失误。4  be in error MISTAKEto have made a mistake, especially when making an official decision 〔尤指在作正式决定时〕犯错,失误 The doctor has admitted that he was in error. 医生承认了他的失误。5  do something in error MISTAKEif you do something in error, you do it by mistake 误做某事 The wrong man was arrested in error. 那人是被误抓的。6. see the error of your ways literaryREALIZE to realize that you have been behaving badly and decide to stop 意识到自己的过失并准备改正,知错即改 → trial and error at trial1(4) COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsmake an error 犯错误We made too many errors, and that cost us the game. 我们失误太多,输掉了这场比赛。commit an error formal (=make an error, especially a serious one) 犯错误〔尤指严重的错误〕He knew he had committed a grave error of judgement. 他知道自己犯了个严重的判断错误。have/contain an error 有错误If the data contains errors, the results will be wrong. 要是数据有误,结果就会出错。find/spot/notice an error 发现错误His accountant spotted several errors in his tax return. 他的会计发现他的纳税申报单有几处错误。realize your error 意识到自己的错误By the time she realized her error, it was too late. 等她意识到自己的错误时,为时已晚。correct an error (also rectify an error formal) 改正错误We will rectify the error as soon as possible. 我们会尽快纠正错误。avoid errors 避免错误nHe resolved to learn from his mistakes and avoid similar errors in the future.compound an error (=make it worse) 使错误更严重nHe refused to listen to our advice, which compounded the error arises/occurs formal (=happens) 出现错误nIf an error occurs, you will have two more chances to re-enter your password.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + errora common error 常见错误a common error which students often make when writing essays 学生写作文时常犯的错误a serious/bad error 严重错误The police made a serious error, which resulted in a young man’s death. 警方犯了严重的错误,导致一名年轻男子死亡。a small/minor error 小错误The letter contained some minor spelling errors. 信中有几处小的拼写错误。a glaring error (=very bad and very noticeable) 明显错误There is a glaring error on page 10, where his date of death is given as 2053, not 1003. 第10页有一个明显错误,他的卒年写成了2053年,应该是1003年。a huge/monumental error (=very serious) 重大错误nIt was a monumental error to attack from the north.a grave error (=extremely serious, with serious results) 极其严重的错误nHe has committed a grave error.a fatal error (=extremely serious, so that you are certain to fail) 致命错误nTelling your staff they are not important is a fatal error.nan unfortunate errorAn unfortunate error resulted in confidential information being released to the press.a grammatical/spelling/typing error 语法/拼写/打字错误nYou lose marks if your paper contains spelling errors.a clerical/administrative error 笔误/行政管理的失误nThe applications forms were sent to the wrong addresses due to a clerical error.a factual error (=which includes a fact that is wrong) 事实错误nThe article contains many factual errors.a tactical error (=one that may cause a plan to fail) 策略性错误nBoth parties have made tactical errors in the run-up to the election.a random error (=one that is not like others or part of a pattern) 随机错误nThis may seem like a random error, but in fact it is repeated once in every 5,000 samples.human error (=errors made by people) 人为过失Automatic checks reduce the danger of human error. 自动核查可以自动降低人为失误的风险。computer error 计算机出错An on-board computer error meant that the plane’s systems shut down for a few vital seconds. 机载计算机出错意味着机上各系统在关键时刻关闭了几秒钟。pilot/driver error 飞行员/驾驶员操作失误nInvestigators believe the crash was caused by pilot error.somebody’s past errors formal 某人过去的错误nIf we fail to learn from our past errors, we are doomed to repeat them.phrasesa margin of error (=the degree to which a calculation might be wrong) 误差,误差幅度We have to allow for a small margin of error in the calculations. 我们得考虑计算中的细微误差。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the Corpuserror• There seems to be an error in the data.• If the information entered into any field is invalid, an error message will be displayed at the foot of the page.• Whenever I try to enter the data the computer gives me an error window.• "It says in this advertisement that the exhibition opens at 10." "That's an error."• Nobody really knows how Dionysius made such an error.• An error occurred in the processing of your application.• Until recently, their quest for the next best seller drug relied wholly on laborious physical trial and error.• Over 50 people were denied a vote through a computer error.• The report concluded that the accident was caused by human error.• The text is disfigured by irritating errors and sloppy proofreading.• So we shall have copies of errors being duplicated in the population.• a spelling error• The objective is to adjust weights so that the error in the output layer is reduced.• She made very few typing errors.• Similarly, we may say that merely verbal errors can be corrected in standard ways.error message• If you return to this field, an error message is displayed at the foot of the screen.• We got an error message, indicating there was no dial tone.• If not, an error message is printed.• If you receive an error message, try again.• The first thing to do is make a careful note of any error messages you get.• It is used to identify the sentence in both error messages and for objects that can be merged into canvass documents.• Many who signed on later in the day were turned away with blank screens or error messages.• The error messages will provide the most helpful clues for tracking elusive addresses.From Longman Business Dictionaryerrorer‧ror /ˈerəˈerər/ noun [countable]1a mistakeThe confusion was the result of a computer error.The company has made some strategic errors. → compensating error → unrecoverable error2COMMERCE errors and omissions excepted used in formal documents to say that mistakes and things that have been forgotten should also be taken into accountOrigin error (1200-1300) Old French errour, from Latin error, from errare; → ERRer·ror noun →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →5 FREQUENCY1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a Corpus Business mistake




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