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单词 Selfishness
1. Virtue is the antipode of selfishness.
2. He was angered by the selfishness of the others.
3. She covers her selfishness with a varnish of good manners.
4. As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind,so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.
5. His selfishness was the root of trouble.
6. His judgment was clouded by selfishness.
7. I heard Mother remonstrating with Father about his selfishness.
8. This behaviour illustrates your selfishness.
9. Love is the antithesis of selfishness.
10. His selfishness really gets up my nose.
11. She is the very personification of selfishness.
12. We must be mindful of the consequences of selfishness.
13. The arrogance and selfishness of different interest groups never ceases to amaze me.
14. Their first single was a hymn to selfishness called 'Looking After Number One'.
15. Sometimes a bit of selfishness, if it leads to greater self-knowledge, is no bad thing.
16. She was angered by their selfishness and lack of concern.
17. He argued that the overcrowded cities were the product of a system based on "selfishness" and "rapacity".
18. We've all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. In an acquisitive society the form that selfishness predominantly takes is monetary greed.
20. I find his selfishness repellent.
21. That generosity is a greater good than selfishness.
22. Bob did not overplay his obvious selfishness.
23. Charity does not like arithmetic; selfishness worships it. Mason Cooley 
24. Nothing resembles selfishness more closely than self-respect. George Sand 
25. He regularly accuses his children of ingratitude and selfishness.
26. This wasn't selfishness or greed, just a feeling that it was due.
27. The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
28. in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
29. Our best intentions are sometimes subverted by our natural tendency to selfishness.
30. He was the victim of his own greed and selfishness.
1. Virtue is the antipode of selfishness.
2. He was angered by the selfishness of the others.
3. The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
4. in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
31. I find it hard to believe that the answer lies in reciprocity or disguised selfishness in any simple sense.
32. Selfishness and greed, individual or national, cause most of our troubles. Harry S. Truman 
33. How long shall we be enslaved by hate, bitterness, fear and selfishness?
34. The selfish man suffers more from his selfishness than he from whom that selfishness withholds some important benefit. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
35. My kids used to scorn my politics as right-wing selfishness.
36. Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness.Listen to it carefully. Richard Bach 
37. It cancels out thought, and in consequence, any possibility of examining the root selfishness.
38. Morality is often rendered impotent by human selfishness, avarice and wickedness. And few people take morality seriously, or are committed to what is morally right, when personal interests are at stake. Dr T.P.Chia 
39. Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness. Napoleon Hill 
40. There was really very little I could do actively to refute the charge of selfishness.
41. Yet it is plain that the selfishness of a gene can have nothing whatever in common with human egoism.
42. This is because where selfishness brings higher rewards than altruism, selfish individuals leave more descendants(), so altruists inevitably become extinct.
43. I can't stand stupid people like Caliban, with their great deadweight of pettiness and selfishness and meanness of every kind.
44. We would will this as part of the social contract because our own selfishness would enable us to see its necessity.
45. Benjamin acknowledges there is a certain selfishness in offering that flexibility.
46. The bonds of brotherhood are treacherously betrayed by ungovernable selfishness and egotism.
47. Selfishness must always be forgiven you know, because there is no hope of a cure. Jane Austen 
48. At least in the short term, wealth creation results in increased selfishness.
48. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
49. Selfishness is that detestable vice which no one will forgive in others, and no one is without himself. Henry Ward Beecher 
50. Generosity is produced by the heart, selfishness is approved by the mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
51. If you are looking for well-being, you might get more reliable results if you choose a life of radical selfishness.
52. For not having the obsessive singlemindedness - the bloody-minded selfishness - which permits a few male artists to be geniuses.
53. Had she gold, poor woman, so to entrap for herself that monstrous lump of selfishness?
54. Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. Oscar Wilde 
55. I mentioned earlier that selfishness and narrowness get in the way of lawyers' branching out.
56. Charges of selfishness and even unjust charges of collaboration were sometimes made against members of the permanent staff.
57. He is leaving tomorrow, and I have parted them with my selfishness and my love.
58. His selfishness closes the door to our reconciliation.
59. He is very personification of selfishness.
60. We be blind to her selfishness.
61. He is a lump of selfishness.
62. Her selfishness will come home to roost someday.
63. His selfishness caused him to refuse my solicitation.
64. Selfishness is a most detestable thing.
65. It radiated sourness and selfishness.
66. Selfishness is vice. Selflessness is virtue.
67. He is the personification of pride [ selfishness ].
68. Selfishness is a detestable quality in anyone.
69. And the mainspring of it all was - the greed and selfishness of one man.
70. Scholars have tried to make a case for acquisitiveness, competitiveness, and selfishness as innate human trait.
71. Self-indulgence, selfishness, personality likes and dislikes can give way to the love and tenacity of the soul nature.
72. Here sympathy sprang to rescue , but it was not unmixed with selfishness.
73. The economic basis of cooperation is the tradeoff between selfishness and generosity.
74. I have seen much inhumanity, cheating, corruption, sordidness and selfishness but I have not become cynical.
75. Verily, an appropriator of all values must such bestowing love become; but healthy and holy, call I this selfishness.
76. That seems to me to be a prime condition for there to be love. So self-love I think is the foundation, but it doesn't have to be selfishness, all right?
77. Everyone also occasionally inspects selfishness and promptly corrects areas in daily speech and comportment that may not be consistent with formality or in accord with Dharma.
78. Chinese culture indicates the essence of self-concern including patriarchal clan system, collectivism, hiding selfishness, personification.
79. Here sympathy sprang to the rescue , but it was not unmixed with selfishness.
80. I want to help save a billion peoples lives, in my life-time, from needless deaths due to selfishness.
81. Chuang Tzu's theory on use and uselessness focuses on ego and non - ego, and selfishness and selflessness.
82. We tend to think of hypochondria as a kind of selfishness.
83. He traces all the miseries and discontents of life to insatiable selfishness.
84. And that is where the last two teachings by Lao-tzu come in. Selfishness and untrammeled desire for profits have no use in uncertain and "decoupled" markets.
85. Selfishness was a facet of hellos character that we seldom saw before.
86. The so - called selflessness essentially is selfishness in nature!
87. Fanny looked on and listened, not unamused to observe the selfishness which, more or less disguised, seemed to govern them all, and wondering how it would end.
88. Some day, when we get a few more hands and crowbars to work, we'll topple it over(4), along with all its rotten life and unburied dead, its monstrous selfishness and sodden materialism.
89. This novel eyeshot breaks open a window for us to reflect the anthropocentricity , to reconsider the status of man, and to arouse vigilance to the narrowness and selfishness of humans.
90. Bowtie living in Los Angeles, is a spoiled princess, and his selfishness.
91. The main cause lies in the influence of the selfishness of administration departmentalism, over flexibility of the system and the economic profit.
92. God also gave me female frailty, sensitivity, peacockery and even selfishness as all women has.
93. If snobbery, selfishness and disease are the result of growing - up.
94. Bravery, selfishness, and endurance are the characters which can be found easily on the Gadfly.
95. Chinese culture indicates the essence of self - concern including clan system, collectivism, hiding selfishness, personification.
96. To overdo anything public may lead to jobbery , while appropriate selfishness may promote the growth.
97. What Unlimited selfishness shown is selfless, the inner has unlimited capacity. The more selfless people be, the selfness he will be , because you can gain more from selfless.
98. Selfishness is one of the signs of the last days, according to II Timothy 3:1, 2.
99. My real reason for enjoying the rain is steeped in pure selfishness when it's mucky outside, I don't have to do anything.
100. The work shows every aspect of a cat's life, such as selfishness, archness, idleness and briskness, which show the artist's love of cat.
101. While Tagore praised the industrial civilization emerging in the West, he strongly criticized the selfishness and ruthlessness of chauvinistic nationalism upheld by the West and Japan.
102. Capitalism, in its purest, simplest form, is little more than a Pavlovian response to our basic instincts: greed, selfishness, adoration of profit, and unshackled consumerism.
103. Without top - down government, Hobbes claimed, there would be only collective selfishness.
104. I have met people that praise my country for its equality freedom and wealth and I have met others that lambaste it for its inequality tolerance of iniquity and selfishness.
105. It was his business to school him self continually and persistently to that pure experience in which selfishness and egocentricity were transcended, so that he would be one with the universe.
106. Or in order to prove the rationality and necessity of the capitalist form of society, scholars have tried to make a case for acquisitiveness , competitiveness, and selfishness as innate human traits.
107. Selfishness a facet of his character that we seldom saw before.
108. Because of the different understanding of the conation of selfishness, the debate sometimes takes different routes.
108. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
109. Discontent and selfishness strike at the root of national progress.
110. You all should rise above the clouds of ignorance , narrowness, and selfishness.
111. Moral decline has also led to discontent, escapism, selfishness and an increase in suicides.
112. While sharp words can be an effective call for attention, perceived selfishness is a huge turn-off.
113. Anyone who publicly questions the wisdom of current U. S. immigration policy is promptly charged with bigotry, prejudice, ethnocentrism , chauvinism, isolationism or selfishness.
114. The subconscious mind is then open to the suggestion of fear, hatred, selfishness, greed, self-depreciation and other negative forces, derived from surrounding persons or circumstances.
115. The stereotypical middle-aged man sporting a ponytail and a convertible is, I think, a product of the kind of selfishness that real parenting necessarily eliminates.
116. The world's newspapers are filled with the disgusting stench of inhumanity, heartlessness, and selfishness.
117. Does self-love mean the same as selfishness on my view? Oh, no no no. That was the ambiguity. Ok.
118. The distinct moral characters of this period are persistence and dauntlessness, unity and struggle, democracy and love, equality, enterprising spirit, courage, selfishness and honesty.
119. He sharply criticizes the moral outline of minimalist, completely scolding it as solipsism and selfishness.
120. Maugre all the selfishness that chills east winds the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love like a fine ether.
121. Even so, the writers and broadcasters didn't take kindly to Kobe's selfishness, arrogance and petulance.
122. "Manifest the simple, " urged lao-tzu, "embrace the primitive, reduce selfishness, have few desires.
123. The main tendency of the Utilitarianism is the reasonable selfishness, namely the subjective motive is selfishness, and the objective action is good for oneself and other man.
124. She was, after long experience, wary of her uncle's selfishness, sometimes blatant, sometimes subtle.
125. The uncultivated mind harbors a vast diversity of unrealized possibilities, ranging from the depths of selfishness, egotism and aggressivity to the heights of wisdom, self-sacrifice and compassion.
126. Such is selfishness which refuses to give free play to our desires, and prevents them from reaching their real goal, and that is why it is always accompanied by festering untruths and extravagances.
127. It reveals the selfishness and hypocrisy of the upper bourgeois and praises Boule de Suif's sacrifice through various attitudes of different classes in France.
128. Participants trusted Nexi significantly less when she was programmed with the human nonverbal signals of selfishness.




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