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单词 epilogue
释义  Related topics: Literature, Filmep·i·logue (also epilog American English) /ˈepəlɒɡ $ -lɒːɡ, -lɑːɡ/ noun  1. [countable]AL a speech or piece of writing that is added to the end of a book, film, or play and discusses or explains the ending 〔书的〕跋,后记;〔电影、戏剧的〕收场白2  [singular] literaryALEND something that happens at the end of a series of events 〔一系列事件的〕尾声,结尾 → prologue a disastrous epilogue to his career 他事业的灾难性终结Examples from the Corpusepilogue• As an epilogue at the end of the film explains, Letterman was No. 1 in late night for 90 weeks.• The streets seemed very much an epilogue.• Cimbelina en 1900 y pico is a comic farce composed of six short acts, a prologue and epilogue.• De Boer has produced an equally stimulating epilogue, collating well the topics in the book into an integrating conservation framework.• Nevertheless the epilogue to the Pactus does provide a terminus ante quem for the compilation of the code.• The epilogue claims that Childebert added six clauses and Chlothar ten.• This epilogue is included in still fewer manuscripts than the shorter prologue.Origin epilogue (1400-1500) French Greek epilogos, from epilegein “to say in addition”ep·i·logue nounChineseSyllable   Corpus that speech writing of piece is a or




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