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单词 entwine
释义  en·twine /ɪnˈtwaɪn/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  TOGETHERto twist two things together or to wind one thing around another (使)交错;(使)缠绕 They walked together with their arms entwined. 他们挽着胳膊一起走。n Grammar Entwine is usually passive when used as a transitive verb.2  be entwined (with something) CONNECTED WITHto be closely connected with something in a complicated way (与某事物)紧密联系在一起 Our views of leadership are entwined with ideas of heroism. 我们认为领导才能与英雄品质是紧密相连的。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusentwine• A skilled historian is able to entwine his inventory material with evidence gathered from a variety of other sources.• Fresh flowers were entwined in her hair.• For helices to entwine together they must be of the same handedness, like the strands of a rope.en·twine verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  one twist two Corpus or together wind to to things




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