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单词 enticing
释义  en·ti·cing /ɪnˈtaɪsɪŋ/ adjective  ATTRACTsomething that is enticing attracts or interests you a lot 有吸引力的;诱人的 SYN tempting It was a hot day and the water looked enticing. 天气热,水看起来很诱人。 —enticingly adverbExamples from the Corpusenticing• It looked enticing and we decided to follow it as far as we could.• It has an enticing colour photograph of palm trees and white sand.• When it comes to earning a living there is no more enticing environment than a pub.• Nevertheless, this is an enticing introduction to the subject.• Employers in all fields of endeavour were crying out for them, offering generous salaries along with an array of enticing perks.• That enticing possibility is why they are bound to have a go.• This, coupled with the minimal outlay in terms of resources, time, and indeed effort, results in enticing rewards.• the enticing smell of fresh bread• enticing smells coming from the kitchen• The advertisers have been accused of trying to make the alcoholic drinks enticing to teenagers.en·ti·cing adjectiveChineseSyllable  you attracts or is a that Corpus enticing something interests




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