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单词 energetic
释义 Word family  noun energy adjective energetic energizing verb energize adverb energetically  en·er·get·ic /ˌenəˈdʒetɪk◂ $ -ər-/ ●●○ AWL adjective  ENERGETIChaving or needing a lot of energy or determination 精力充沛的,充满活力的 an energetic man 精力旺盛的男子 an energetic drive to get more customers 争取更多客户的十足干劲energetic in doing something We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad. 我们需要更积极地向国外宣传自己。 —energetically /-kli/ adverbn He fought energetically against apartheid. THESAURUSenergetic having a lot of energy 精力充沛的,充满活力的If you’re feeling energetic, we could go out for a run. 你要是觉得有精力,我们可以出去跑步。full of energy/bursting with energy energetic and ready to work hard or do a lot of things 精力充沛I admire her because she’s so full of energy and enthusiasm. 我欣赏她,因为她活力四射、充满热情。nWhen she first started at the college she was bursting with energy and full of new ideas. dynamic very energetic and always wanting to do new things 精力充沛的;有创新思想的What this country needs is a dynamic new leader. 这个国家需要的是一位有活力且勇于创新的新领袖。hyperactive having more energy than is normal or good, because you cannot keep still or quiet for very long – used especially about children 〔尤指儿童〕过分活跃的,多动的Our youngest daughter was hyperactive, and it had a damaging effect on the whole family. 我们的小女儿太好动了,全家人都不得安宁。tireless working with a lot of energy in a determined way, especially to achieve a particular thing 〔尤指为做成某事〕不知疲倦的,孜孜不倦的She was a tireless campaigner against apartheid in South Africa. 她坚持不懈地投身于南非反种族隔离运动。full of beans informal feeling energetic and happy and showing this in the way you behave 精力充沛He’s one of those people who leap out of bed full of beans every morning. 他是那种每天早晨都精神百倍地跳下床的人。Examples from the Corpusenergetic• Meticulous about their appearance, their relaxation is active but not energetic.• She parks the Cherokee and bounds over, tall and energetic.• A mini-bus operates to and from the town three times a day although car hire is recommended for the less energetic.• The club has the support of an energetic and enthusiastic management committee.• Many families who get into difficulties have been struggling with problems that would daunt the most energetic and resourceful of people.• Followers feel energetic, confident, and never more alive.• Pete was lying on his bed, resting after an energetic game of tennis.• Captain Nagumo was a capable, intelligent, and energetic officer.• How did I recognize that energetic pair?• I don't feel like doing anything very energetic this evening. I've had a tiring day.• If you're feeling energetic, we could go out for a run.• My mother was a bustling, energetic woman.• He needs energetic wooing in order to be pulled into the world.energetic in doing something• Opposing lines - the cross A vertical line is highly energetic in its defiance of gravity.en·er·get·ic adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or energy Corpus or a of lot having needing




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