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单词 enclave
释义  en·clave /ˈenkleɪv, ˈeŋ-/ noun [countable]  AROUND/ROUNDa small area that is within a larger area where people of a different kind or nationality live 飞地〔较大区域内的一小块不同民族或人群的聚居地〕 the former Portuguese enclave of East Timor 东帝汶的前葡萄牙人聚居地Examples from the Corpusenclave• One of these was a dreadful modern slum in Liverpool - an enclave of vandalised flats surrounded by wastelands.• Nagorno-Karabakh is a mainly Armenian enclave within Azerbaijan.• It was bizarre, surrealistic, a little enclave of cancer patients in a noisy, crowded bar.• All eyes followed the Collector as he strode about the enclave grimacing and muttering to himself.Origin enclave (1800-1900) French Old French enclaver “to enclose”en·clave nounChineseSyllable  area within larger small that a where area a Corpus is




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