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单词 insensitive
释义 Word family  noun sense ≠ nonsense sensibility ≠ insensibility sensitivity ≠ insensitivity senselessness sensitization sensor adjective sensible insensible senseless sensitive ≠ insensitive sensory nonsensical insensate verb sense sensitize adverb sensibly senselessly sensitively ≠ insensitively  in·sen·si·tive /ɪnˈsensətɪv/ adjective  1  NOTICEUNKINDnot noticing, or not taking the care to notice, other people’s feelings, and not realizing when they are upset or when something that you do will upset them 〔对他人的感受〕麻木不仁的,漠不关心的 One insensitive official insisted on seeing her husband’s death certificate. 一位不近人情的官员非要看看她丈夫的死亡证明。 an insensitive remark 缺乏同情心的言论insensitive to She’s totally insensitive to Jack’s feelings. 她根本不理会杰克的感受。► see thesaurus at unkind2  ATTENTION[not before noun] not paying attention to what is happening or to what people are saying, and therefore not changing your behaviour because of it 〔对发生的事或别人的话〕置之不理的,没有反应的insensitive to Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales. 对全球变化无动于衷的公司,其销售额会下降。 The service is insensitive to the needs of local people. 这个机构对当地人的需求无动于衷。3  FEEL HOT/COLD/TIRED ETC[not before noun] not affected by physical effects or changes 身体无感觉的,麻木的insensitive to insensitive to pain 无疼痛感 —insensitively adverb —insensitivity /ɪnˌsensəˈtɪvəti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusinsensitive• How could you be so insensitive?• Kelsey denies making racially insensitive statements.• Doctors sometimes seem insensitive to their patients' feelings.insensitive to• She's totally insensitive to Jack's feelings.• The material is insensitive to light.• Some people are more insensitive to pain than others.• The state government is insensitive to the needs of the poor and·sen·si·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  notice, Corpus to taking care not or not the other noticing,




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