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单词 employable
释义 Word family  noun employee employer employment ≠ unemployment unemployed employ adjective employed ≠ unemployed employable ≠ unemployable verb employ  Related topics: Employmentem·ploy·a·ble /ɪmˈplɔɪəbəl/ adjective  BEhaving skills or qualities that are necessary to get a job 具备受雇条件的,适合雇用的 The training scheme aims to make people more employable. 这项培训计划旨在使人们更具备就业条件。Examples from the Corpusemployable• And young people need to be educated in new ways to be employable.• The course is recognized for producing graduates who are immediately employable and who can play leading roles in the development of computing.• The traditional, massive unemployment of employable disabled people is far worse than it has ever been.• Perhaps I was not at first sight the most employable of people.• I don't think she's otherwise employable, poor girl.• She's highly employable, so she shouldn't have any trouble finding work.From Longman Business Dictionaryemployableem‧ploy‧a‧ble /ɪmˈplɔɪəbəl/ adjectiveHUMAN RESOURCES suitable to be employedUniversities should be providing skills to make their students more employable. —employability noun [uncountable]Employers have a responsibility to maintain employability through continuous training.em·ploy·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus get are that a Business or to qualities having skills necessary




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