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单词 elide
释义  Related topics: Linguisticse·lide /ɪˈlaɪd/ verb [transitive] technical  SLto leave out the sound of a letter or of a part of a word 省略〔一个字母或音节〕的发音 Most English speakers elide the first ‘d’ in ‘Wednesday.’ 大多数说英语的人会省略Wednesday中第一个d的发音。 —elision /ɪˈlɪʒən/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuselide• But, at the same time, the question of the diminishing urgency of consumption is elided.• Simple points are ignored or elided.• In some consonant clusters, sounds are apt to be elided, ie omitted, in rapid speech.• However, I do think that the purpose of explanation in social science has been elided in work in this field.• In a way, it elides it.• Current editorial practice elides the implications of multiple texts.• With rapture and relief he elides with the larger unit, the glowing mass.• But these theories' notions of culturally stable femininity often elide with their concept of a biologically stable individual.Origin elide (1500-1600) Latin elidere “to strike out”, from laedere “to hurt by striking”e·lide verbChineseSyllable  the sound of out to Corpus a leave




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