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单词 election
释义 Word family  noun election re-election elector electorate electioneering adjective elected ≠ unelected electoral elect verb elect re-elect adverb electorally  Related topics: Votinge·lec·tion /ɪˈlekʃən/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  [countable]PPV when people vote to choose someone for an official position 选举 The Labour Party won the 2001 election by a huge majority. 工党在2001年选举中以巨大优势获胜。 Elections for the state governorship will be on November 25. 州长选举将于11月25日举行。2  [singular]PPV the fact of being elected to an official position 当选 Within three months of his election he was forced to resign. 他当选后不到三个月就被迫辞职。somebody’s election to something his election to Parliament 他入选议会 → general election COLLOCATIONSverbshave/hold an election 举行选举The government plans to hold an election in November. 政府计划于11月举行选举。call an election (=arrange for an election to happen) (安排)举行选举The prime minister would be unwise to call an election now. 首相如现在就宣布大选是不明智的。win an election 在选举中获胜,当选Who do you think will win the election? 你认为谁会当选?lose an election 在选举中失败,落选If the party loses the election, they may decide they need a new leader. 要是该党败选,他们可能会决定更换领导人。fight an election British English (also contest an election British English formal) (=take part in it and try to win) 参加竞选Three independent candidates are also planning to contest the election. 有三名独立候选人也在计划参加竞选。run for election (also stand for election British English) (=try to become elected) 参加竞选If you plan to stand for election to the committee, you must be nominated by three members. 如果你打算入选委员会,就必须获得三名委员的推荐。nrig an election (=dishonestly arrange the result)He accused the ruling party of rigging the elections.nboycott an election (=refuse to take part in an election as a protest)Opposition parties have threatened to boycott the elections.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + electionfair (=with no unfair advantage to one person or group) 公平的The ruling party has promised that the elections will be fair. 执政党承诺选举将是公平的。free (=with everyone allowed to vote for who they want) 自由的These will be the country’s first free multi-party elections. 这将是该国首次自由的多党选举。democratic 民主的The unions are calling for democratic elections. 工会要求民主选举。a general/national election (=one in which the whole country votes to elect a government) 大选/全国大选Labour’s victory in the general election gave them a huge majority. 工党在大选中取胜,获得了明显多数票。a local/regional election 当地/地区选举The Green Party increased its share of the vote in the French regional elections. 绿党在法国地区选举中得票率有所提高。a presidential election (=to elect a new president) 总统选举nHe is the Democrat Party’s candidate for the next presidential election.a leadership election (=to elect a new leader for a political party) 领导人选举nThe result of the leadership election will be announced today.a congressional/parliamentary election (=to elect people to a congress or parliament) 国会/议会选举nPeople voted overwhelmingly Republican in the last congressional elections.a federal election (=to elect a federal government) 联邦选举nThe federal elections are scheduled for May 2.a mayoral election (=to elect a new mayor) 市长选举nThe mayoral elections are due to take place next gubernatorial election (=one to elect a governor)We are still waiting for the result of the gubernatorial election in New Jersey.election + NOUNan election victory/defeat 选举胜利/失败He became prime minister after a decisive election victory. 他在选举中获得决定性胜利后当上首相。the election results 选举结果The election results have been coming in all night. 选举结果彻夜接连产生。an election campaign 竞选活动The election campaign got off to a bad start. 竞选活动开局不利。an election candidate British English (=someone trying to be elected in an election) 选举候选人Local party members choose the election candidates. 地区党员选出候选人。an election promise/pledge (=one that is made while a person or party is trying to be elected) 竞选诺言/承诺The government has broken all its election promises. 政府违背了所有的竞选承诺。an election broadcast British English (=a programme by a party saying why people should vote for them in an election) 〔政党的〕竞选广播节目na Conservative Party election broadcastan election rally (=a public meeting to support a politician or party before an election) 竞选集会nHe drove to Paris to address an election election year (=a year in which there is an election) 选举年nThe Chancellor won’t raise taxes in an election year.election day/night (=the day or night when people are voting and the votes are being counted) 竞选日/之夜nWe urge all our supporters to get out and vote on election night.election time 竞选期间nI’m sick of all those political pamphlets that come through my door at election time.phrasesthe run-up to the election (=the period of time before an election) 选举前夕There have been violent street protests in the run-up to the elections. 选举前夕发生了几起街头暴力抗议。 THESAURUSelection an occasion when people choose a government or leader by voting 选举the American presidential election 美国总统竞选South Africa held its first multi-racial elections in 1994. 1994年南非举行首次多种族大选。ballot /ˈbælət/ an occasion when the members of an organization vote by marking what they want on a piece of paper, especially to make sure that it is secret 无记名投票The result of the ballot showed that nurses were not in favour of a strike. 无记名投票结果显示,护士不赞成举行罢工。referendum /ˌrefəˈrendəm/ an occasion when everyone in a country votes on an important political subject 全民投票,全民公决In the Danish referendum, the people voted ‘no’ to joining the European single currency. 丹麦人在全民公决中投票反对加入欧洲单一货币。the polls the process of voting in a political election – used especially in news reports 〔政治选举〕投票〔尤用于新闻报道〕4,500,000 voters went to the polls in eight provinces to elect six governors. 八个省共450万选民参加投票,选举六位省长。show of hands an act of voting informally for something by the people in a group raising their hands 举手(表决)May I have a show of hands from all those in favour of the proposal? 请赞成这个提议的人举手好吗?Examples from the Corpuselection• A period of uncertainty such as an election causes people to be either optimistic or pessimistic.• The government may decide to call an election early.• Under this pressure the Modrow government set an election date of 18 March 1990.• Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage.• Ten cooperative candidates ran at the 1918 general election, only one of whom was successful.• A further general election in October of the same year gave him a majority of three.• This must happen once in each Parliament, usually not later than thirty-six months after the last general election.• Taxation will be one of the major issues at the next general election.• This is Sanders' fourth trip to Washington since his election as governor.• It will be interesting to see what happens at the next election.• This year's presidential election will take place on November 4.• America is preparing for the presidential elections, which will take place in two weeks time.• South Africa held its first multi-racial elections in 1994.• It was soldiers returning from the battlefields who're credited with making that election a labour landslide.• Federal officials said that the law required them to withhold the keys while the election outcome was in doubt.somebody’s election to something• Alexander was resident at the papal curia at the time of his election to Coventry in 1224.• Forbes can apparently spout the results of all presidential elections to the nearest decimal point.• In 1378 a schism, occasioned by a double election to the papacy, split the western Church.• On Aug. 6,1990, the President dismissed the Bhutto government and ordered fresh elections to be held on Oct. 24.• Robespierre had to make his speeches in the Jacobin Club, as he was not eligible for election to the Assembly.• The Judicature Society reported that half of the male federal judges were active in party politics before their election to the bench.From Longman Business Dictionaryelectione‧lec‧tion /ɪˈlekʃən/ noun1[countable] when people vote to choose someone for a jobShe was nominated to stand for election as a Coca-Cola director.Mr Morrow is also up for election to the board of directors at a rival Chicago bank.2[singular] the fact of being elected to an official positionHer election to the board expands the members to 16.e·lec·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to choose Business someone when Corpus people vote




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