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单词 early
释义  ear·ly1 /ˈɜːli $ ˈɜːrli/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective (comparative earlier, superlative earliest)  1  first part 最初部分BEGINNING in the first part of a period of time, event, or process 〔时间、事件或过程〕早期的,初期的 the early morning sunshine 清晨的阳光 an afternoon in early spring 一个早春的午后 In the early days, the railways mainly carried goods. 最初,铁路主要用于运输货物。 She is in her early twenties. 她20岁出头。 the recession of the early 1980s 20世纪80年代初的经济衰退 The money could be paid as early as next week. 钱款最早可以在下周支付。 He spent the early part of his career at St John’s Hospital. 他在圣约翰医院度过了他的早期职业生涯。 the experiences of early childhood 幼年的经历 the early works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚的早期作品 My earliest memories are of fruit trees. 我最早的记忆和果树有关。 Early signs are encouraging. 早期的征兆鼓舞人心。2  before usual 通常时间之前EARLY arriving or happening before the usual or expected time 提早的,提前的 OPP latefive minutes/three hours etc early The bus was ten minutes early. 公共汽车早到了十分钟。early for I was a few minutes early for my appointment. 我比约定时间早到了几分钟。 David decided to take early retirement (=stop working before the normal age). 戴维决定提前退休。 She drank herself into an early grave (=died younger than is normal). 她因酗酒而过早去世了。3  beginning 开始EARLY used to emphasize that something has just begun, especially when you do not know how it will develop 早的〔用于强调某事刚开始〕 It’s too early to say what will happen. 现在说会发生什么还为时过早。 It’s early days yet. I don’t want to make any predictions. 现在还言之过早,我不想作出任何预测。4  new thing 新事物 [only before noun]FIRST being one of the first people, events, machines etc 最初的 Early motor cars had very poor brakes. 早期的汽车车装置很差。 fossil evidence of early man 原始人类的化石证据5  the early hours LATEthe time between midnight and morning 凌晨 I didn’t finally get to bed until the early hours. 我直到凌晨才终于上床睡觉。in the early hours of something The attack happened in the early hours of Sunday morning. 袭击发生于星期日凌晨。6  an early start EARLYa start made very early in the day because you have a lot to do, far to go etc 〔因工作繁重、路途遥远等〕一大早就开始[出发] We need to make an early start tomorrow. 我们明天一大早就得出发。7  at/from an early age when you are very young, or starting when you were very young 年少[早年]时/自年少[早年]时起 She’s played tennis from a very early age. 她从小就打网球。8  an early night EARLYSLEEPif you have an early night, you go to bed earlier than usual 〔某晚〕比平时睡得早 OPP a late nighthave/get an early night I think I’ll get an early night. 我想今晚早点睡觉。9. early bird/early riser WAKE UP/GET UPsomeone who always gets up very early in the morning 惯于早起的人10. the early bird catches the worm SUCCESSFULused to say that if you do something early or before other people, you will be successful 捷足先登;早起的鸟儿有虫吃11. early potatoes/lettuces etc HBPpotatoes etc that are ready to be picked before any others 早熟的马铃薯/莴苣等n COLLOCATIONSnounsearly morning/afternoon/eveningThe lake looked beautiful in the pale early morning light.early spring/summer etcThese plants produce flowers from early spring to late summer.early August/January etcItaly is lovely in early June, before it gets too hot.the early days/months/years of something (=the period of time near the beginning of something)In the early years of our marriage, we lived with my wife’s your early twenties/forties etc (=aged 20–23,40–43 etc)Both men are in their early twenties.the early 1920s/1970s etc (=1920–23,1970–73 etc)He lived in London in the early 1980s.somebody’s early childhood/adolescence/life (=when someone is a young child, adolescent etc)We’ve known each other since early early stage (=near the beginning of a process)Patients can be treated with drugs, especially at the early stage of the disease.the early part of something (=near the beginning of an event or period of time)I was doing quite well in the early part of the race.somebody’s earliest memory (=the first thing you can remember about something from your past)One of my earliest memories is of being at a busy railway station, trying to find my mum. THESAURUSearly arriving or happening before the usual or expected time 提早的[地],提前的[地]For once, the train arrived early. 火车难得一次提前到达。Let’s have an early lunch before we go. 我们提前吃个午饭再走吧。in good time especially British English early enough, so that you do not have to rush, or so that you have time to get ready 及早,有足够的时间Everything was ready for the party in good time. 聚会所需的一切都及时准备就绪。on time arriving somewhere or happening at the right time 按时,准时The bus was on time. 公共汽车很准时。The project was finished on time. 这个项目按时完成了。ahead of time earlier than the time when you have arranged to do something or than when you need something 提前;事先The building work was completed ahead of time. 施工提前完成。Some of the food can be prepared ahead of time. 有些食物可以事先准备好。ahead of schedule earlier than the officially agreed time 先于预定时间The prime minister called the elections early, five months ahead of schedule. 首相提前了五个月举行选举。with time to spare arriving somewhere or finishing something before the time when you have to arrive or finish 提前〔赶到或完成〕We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare. 我们早早就到了机场。I finished the test with time to spare. 我提前完成了测验。first thing especially spoken immediately after you get up, or as soon as you start work 〔起床后或一上班〕首先I’ll telephone her first thing tomorrow. 明天我一起床就给她打电话。Examples from the Corpusearly• By the early 1970s, partly preoccupied by family life, Tutin was seen far less in the theatre.• By early 1995, the business was close to bankruptcy.• The train was ten minutes early.• early automobiles• A financial panic ensued, as frantic as the earlier boom.• At other times, there may be signs of early cancer.• Early detection of cancer improves the chances of survival.• Rush and others said early intervention to keep kids out of gangs is just as important as locking up youthful offenders.• Hey, you're early! It's only five o'clock.• the story of her early life in India• The key similarity for Freud lies in the dominance of unconscious processes both for infants and for early man.• We're planning to go to Barcelona in early September.• Many of the earliest settlers here were from Sweden.• If we want to get to Las Vegas by noon, we'll have to make an early start.• Or has democracy itself been adapted to accommodate earlier suspicions and hostility?• a man in his early twenties• Accordingly, the psychiatry of the early twentieth century based its image of sanity on that model.• The records of early years tell little about Negro servitude in tobacco country.Early signs• There is some way to go in all this despite the promising early signs.• The early signs are not promising.• My sister, too, shows early signs of depression.• It is free of charge and can help to detect early signs of health problems and prevent them developing.• And the early signs of that being altered date back to the tough public spending rounds of the early 1980s.• There are early signs some would-be migrants are hoping Fox can do that.• There are already early signs that this media flexible approach to our markets is creating opportunities to grow new revenue streams:?• But as long as you spot the early signs you should be okay - just keep the red bits covered for a few days.early grave• I reckon that hat's in for an early grave.• The only thing you get out of that is an early grave.• Widows are suing the companies for death benefits, demanding compensation for the loss of husbands worked into an early grave.• An early grave or the emigrant ship.• Because if the indestructible Earnhardt can be put into an early grave, they all can.It’s early days• Anyway, it's early days.• It's early days and the market for acrylics needs to find its own level.• Sue: I appreciate it's early days, but what can you tell me about the Workstart Pilots?• It's early days for us, you and me, if you like.• It's early days yet and if it does happen I will up-date you with the information.• It's early days yet, Paul.• Look, it's early days yet.• There was nothing on show to lift the roof - but in this remarkable renaissance, it's early days yet.early2 ●●● S1 W1 adverb (comparative earlier, superlative earliest)  1  EARLYbefore the usual, arranged, or expected time 提早,提前 OPP late We arrived early. 我们提早到了。 They must have come home early. 他们肯定提早回到家了。2  BEGINNINGnear the beginning of a period of time, event, process etc 在早期,在初期,在开展阶段 OPP lateearly in She went out early in the morning. 她一早就出去了。 He was sent off early in the game. 比赛开始后不久他就被罚下场。early this/next/last year etc The building should be finished early next year. 这幢楼应在明年初完工。 The restaurant opened earlier this month. 这家餐馆本月早些时候开业了。 We want to start as early as possible. 我们想要尽早开始。 The disease is easy to treat if diagnosed early. 这种病如果在早期就诊断出来,是很容易治疗的。3  early on BEGINNINGat an early stage in a relationship, process etc 〔关系、过程等〕在初期,开始不久 I realized early on I’d never pass the exam. 开始不久我便意识到,我绝对通不过考试。early on in We encountered problems early on in the project. 我们在项目初期便遇到了难题。n COLLOCATIONSverbsarrive early/be earlySome of the guests arrived early.leave earlyI had to leave early, so I missed the end of the home earlyYour father said he’d be home early.get up/wake up/be up earlySet the alarm for six – I have to be up early tomorrow.go to bed earlyI think I’ll go to bed early tonight.phrasesearly in the morning/afternoon/eveningWe set off early in the morning.early in May/June etcI usually go on holiday early in July.early in 1998/2004 etcWe moved to Manchester early in 2004.early in the year/century (=in the first part of the year or century)It was too early in the year for a lot of flowers.Examples from the Corpusearly• Due to a shortage of whiskey that evening, the party broke up early.• You should get there early if you want a good seat.• Its first conferences were held at Blackfriars and Blackpool early in 1932.• Colin Pennington's wife Joanne went into labour three weeks early in the bathroom of their home in Runcorn, Cheshire.• early in the century• Rangers scored early in the game but fell behind within ten minutes.• The next Opposition party should agree more timetabling of Bills early in the new Parliament, and we should keep to it.• The flowers were planted earlier in the spring.• I t could occur early in your service - or much later.• Yet very early, infants display an amazing interest in their world.• A reconvened multi-party constitutional conference early next month is expected to leap these hurdles quickly.• I'll be seeing him early next week.• I left work early to go to the dentist.• Whichever party is in opposition next time, let us try to decide early to timetable more early as possible• Clearly, whatever the problems it is important that they are dealt with as early as possible.• I and my colleagues understand the anxiety caused by uncertainties like this and will clarify the position as early as possible.• It is therefore essential for a new user of water to make a licence application as early as possible.• Tomorrow she would go home as early as possible and she would never see him again.• They said babies at risk should be tested as early as possible so that treatment can begin immediately.• The purchaser should identify the need for an independent valuation as early as possible to avoid subsequent delay nearer completion.• Try to shop as early as possible, too.• Please confirm, as early as possible, whether you will be able to attend.Origin early1 Old English ærlice, from ær “early, soon”ear·ly1 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1early2 adverb →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  period of first the a in part Corpus




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