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单词 durable
释义  dur·a·ble /ˈdjʊərəbəl $ ˈdʊr-/ adjective  1  GOOD/EXCELLENTstaying in good condition for a long time, even if used a lot 耐用的 SYN hard-wearing Wood is a durable material. 木头是耐用材料。► see thesaurus at strong2  CONTINUE/NOT STOPcontinuing for a long time 持久的 SYN long-lasting His poetry has proved durable. 他的诗已经证明经久不衰。 —durably adverb —durability /ˌdjʊərəˈbɪləti $ ˌdʊr-/ noun [uncountable] → consumer durablesExamples from the Corpusdurable• What you need for Africa is a simple, durable and inexpensive vehicle.• Melamine boards aren't as durable as wood or polythene and as they wear, they can absorb bacteria.• He was tough, he was genuine, he was durable, he was versatile.• Families on supplementary benefit, now income support, are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods.• Instructions for use and durable labelling and supportive information must be supplied in document form.• They are not durable like rocks.• Second, and more important, they were mass-produced out of durable materials and so have survived in large numbers.• Being made of metal, often precious metal, coins have tended to survive much better than less durable objects.• We hope to have created a durable peace between the two countries.• The M14 was very reliable and durable, single shot or auto.• Bronze is harder and more durable than tin.• Plastic window frames are more durable than wood.• The roofs are constructed from heavy and durable timbers, usually teak or mahogany.From Longman Business Dictionarydurabledur‧a‧ble /ˈdjʊərəbəlˈdʊr-/ adjective1if something is durable, it lasts a long time, even if it is used a lotThese materials are used in televisions to make them more durable and more fire-resistant.2continuing, or continuing to be successful, for a long timeThe U.S. economy is a durable beast. —durability noun [uncountable]The car maker has spent decades building its image of safety and durability.They failed to predict the durability of the Asian boom.Origin durable (1300-1400) Old French Latin durare “to continue in existence”dur·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable   Business condition in long good for staying a Corpus




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