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单词 drawing board
释义  Related topics: Designˈdrawing board noun [countable]  1  (go) back to the drawing board PLANif you go back to the drawing board, you start again with a completely new plan or idea, after the one you tried before has failed 〔失败后〕重新开始,从头再来 The current system just isn’t working – we need to go back to the drawing board and start afresh. 目前的方法行不通,我们得另起炉灶,从头再来。2  on the drawing board if a plan or product is on the drawing board, it is in the process of being planned or prepared 在计划中,在准备阶段 Other car manufacturers have similar projects on the drawing board. 其他的汽车生产商也在筹划类似的项目。3. AVDDRAWa large flat board that artists and designers work on 绘画板;制图板Examples from the Corpusdrawing board• Now there was a solution, that is, if it ever got off the drawing board.• A remake of the movie is on the drawing board.• Additional programs in international studies and telecommunications were on the drawing board.• They must go back to the drawing board and review the whole of youth training.• For San Jose, it was back to the drawing board.• It already had a well-developed product on the market, whilst its rivals were struggling to get one on to the drawing board.ˈdrawing board nounChineseSyllable  back the Corpus go you if drawing to




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