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单词 drab
释义  Related topics: Coloursdrab /dræb/ adjective  1  CCnot bright in colour, especially in a way that stops you from feeling cheerful 〔色彩〕暗淡的,暗沉的 SYN dull The walls were painted a drab green. 墙刷成了暗绿色。2  INTERESTINGboring 乏味的,单调的 SYN dull people forced to live grey, drab existences in ugly towns 被迫在丑陋的城市里过着平淡乏味生活的人 —drabness noun [uncountable] → dribs and drabsExamples from the Corpusdrab• When I came to Manchester from Brazil everything seemed so drab and colourless.• I liked the town, for all its drab and muted calm; it seemed a safe place to be.• Canvassing one day in a by-election in Essex, Martin was asked to cover a street of drab brick semis.• Their clothes hung loosely on their frames, drab coats and washed-out dresses covered with a film of dust.• Paul grew tired of his drab, depressing life.• Augusta was not at her best yesterday on a drab, grey day.• You enter the drab office building half-expecting it to be abandoned.• We figured it was a bonus for having to put up with that drab Sunday issue.• Unfortunately, much of the drab utilitarianism of urban existence has come to be associated with the design philosophy of functionalism.• She seemed to like her drab vista.Origin drab (1500-1600) drab “(dull-colored) cloth” ((16-18 centuries)), from Old French drap “cloth”drab adjectiveChinese  bright a in Corpus in especially not way colour,




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