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单词 Downing Street
释义  Related topics: GovernmentDow·ning Street /ˈdaʊnɪŋ striːt/ noun  PGthe government or prime minister of Great Britain 唐宁街;英国政府;英国首相 Downing Street declined to comment on the allegations. 英国政府拒绝就那些说法发表意见。Examples from the CorpusDowning Street• On hearing of the agreement in Poona, MacDonald returned hastily to 10 Downing Street.• The Wilkins Micawber of 11 Downing street tells us to wait and see.• Such an elaborate defence is said to have appalled Downing Street.• I give a number of dinners for industrialists at Downing street, and the dinner for business men was no different.• But Mr Milburn, under pressure from Downing Street for a more radical approach, decided to scrap regulations blocking treatment abroad.• Devon and Cumbria, among the worst hit by the disease, were leading contenders to entertain the Downing Street family.Dow·ning Street nounChineseSyllable  Great the prime Britain or minister Corpus of government




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