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单词 double chin
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautyˌdouble ˈchin noun [countable]  DCBa fold of loose skin under someone’s chin that looks like a second chin 双下巴Examples from the Corpusdouble chin• Her mouth was a thread-like incision above almost a double chin.• Do you have a double chin?• Your face will be more likely to have a dull complexion, with podgy, sagging cheeks and double chin.• That's his big nose and double chin.• It draws the eye to any double chin occupying space just above.• Dimples appeared in her fat cheeks, her double chin quivered, her teeth were huge.• I sensed that little hesitation when I floated the subject of his double chin.• Derek began to stroke his double chin.ˌdouble ˈchin nounChineseSyllable  of skin a Corpus someone’s under fold loose chin




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