单词 |
do or die |
释义 |
ˌdo-or-ˈdie adjective [only before noun] DETERMINEDvery determined 破釜沉舟的,拼死的 a do-or-die attitude 破釜沉舟的态度Examples from the Corpusdo or die• From now on it was do or die.• No words, no threats, no waste of energy, just a grim determination to do or die.• It was do or die for me.• I learnt in the South Bronx and the way you're taught there is a do or die situation.ndo or dienDETERMINEDused to say that someone is determined to do something very brave or dangerous even if they die attempting it → doExamples from the Corpusdo-or-die• This do-or-die attitude clashes with the caution advocated by the naive inductivist.• That do-or-die Davy Blooming Crockett spirit.• I was very dismayed that I couldn't enjoy swapping ideas with Brian any more without things turning into a do-or-die debate.• The airline spent $120 million in a do-or-die effort to save the company.• Besides, his own party's do-or-die tendency will now be vigilant against any hint of gradualism.ˌdo-or-ˈdie adjectivedo or dieLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable determined very Corpus |
随便看 |
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- Tokyo
- told
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- Toledo
- tolerable
- tolerably
- tolerance
- tolerances
- tolerance zone
- tolerancezone
- tolerance-zone
- tolerant
- tolerate
- tolerated
- tolerates
- tolerating
- toleration
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- tolkien,j.r.r.
- tolkien,-j.r.r.
- tolkien, jrr
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- toll
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- Lath
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- Kef
- 凡事随缘,才能更好地向前走
- 凡事顺其自然,生活才会舒心
- 凡事预则立,不预则废
- 凡人为不善,其初皆不忍也,其后忍不忍半,其后忍之,其后安之,其后乐之。呜呼!至于乐为不善而后良心死矣。
- 凡人之患,蔽于一曲,而暗于大理
- 凡人之情,未得志则冒死亡以求富贵,已得志则保富贵而重其生
- 凡人之病,不病于已病而病于未病,养之不素则病成。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡人光明博大,浑厚含蓄,是天地之气;温煦和平,是阳春之气;宽纵任物,是长夏之气;严凝敛约,喜刑好杀,是秋之气;沉藏固啬,是冬之气。暴怒是震雷之气,狂肆是疾风之气,昏惑是霾雾之气,隐恨留连是积阴之气,从容温润是和风甘雨之气,聪明洞达是青天朗月之气,有所钟者必有所似。
- 凡人初动一念是如此,及做出来却不是如此,事去回顾又觉不是如此,只是识见不定。圣贤才发一念,始终如一,即有思索,不过周详此一念耳。盖圣贤有得于豫养,故安闲;众人取办于临时,故眩惑。
- 凡人应酬多不经思,一向任情做去,所以动多有悔。若心头有一分检点,便有一分得处,智者之忽固不若愚者之详也。
- 凡人琐事》作者简介|内容概要|作品赏析
- 凡人读书,必须专心致至,不出户庭,如此痛下工夫三五年,便可立些根本。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡仕宦之家,由俭入奢易,由奢返俭难。尔年尚幼,切不可贪爱奢华,不可惯习懒惰。无论大家小家,士农工商,勤苦俭约,未有不兴;骄奢倦怠,未有不败。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡先处战地而待敌者佚,后处战地而趋战者劳
- 凡兴利,除害也》鉴赏
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