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单词 anarchy
释义  an·ar·chy /ˈænəki $ -ər-/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  CONTROLa situation in which there is no effective government in a country or no order in an organization or situation 无政府状态;混乱状态 The prison is close to anarchy. 那所监狱几乎一片混乱。 The classroom was in a constant state of anarchy. 教室里永远是一片混乱。slide/fall/descend into anarchy The nation is in danger of falling into anarchy. 那个国家面临陷入无政府状态的危险。Examples from the Corpusanarchy• The Big Boy, when he hints at anarchy, is still respectful, apologetic, as if talking to a superior.• Bad films emerge from creative anarchy which brings out the weaknesses of those involved.• And that would imply either anarchy or autocracy.• Perhaps, then, once homosexuals can marry, marital anarchy will follow?• There was a state of near anarchy in the classroom.• That there are risks associated with civil disobedience no one would deny, and among them is the risk of anarchy.Origin anarchy (1500-1600) Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos “having no ruler”, from an- “without” + archos “ruler”an·ar·chy nounChineseSyllable  which Corpus no in a is situation there




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