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单词 do-gooder
释义  do-good·er /duː ˈɡʊdə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  HELPsomeone who helps people who are in bad situations, but who is annoying because their help is not needed – used to show disapproval 自以为好心却帮倒忙的人,做好事不得法的人〔含贬义〕 I’ve got very little time for those interfering do-gooders. 我没时间去理会那些爱管闲事的好心人。Examples from the Corpusdo-gooder• Pearson isn't just a do-gooder - he's been in prison and wants to help others stay out.• Louise was a do-gooder, and you could never predict who would show up at her house.• One is a social activist with a high moral tone, an earnest do-gooder and role model to millions.• While southern church folk ranted about the invasion of do-gooders, they raved about black roles in Reconstruction.• Nor can the Republican majority on his panel be viewed as simply do-gooders out to restore candor to the White House.• The do-gooders suddenly found themselves in the role of trying to tell the Abs what was good for·er nounChineseSyllable  who Corpus helps are in someone people who




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