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单词 analogy
释义 Word family  noun analogy adjective analogous  a·nal·o·gy /əˈnælədʒi/ ●○○ AWL noun (plural analogies) [countable, uncountable]  COMPAREsomething that seems similar between two situations, processes etc 类似处,相似处analogy with/to/between analogies between human and animal behaviour 人类行为与动物行为的类同draw/make an analogy (=make a comparison) 作类比,比拟 She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process. 她将分娩和创造过程进行类比。by analogy with Dr Wood explained the movement of light by analogy with (=using the analogy of) the movement of water. 伍德博士用水的运动作类比,解释光的运动。Examples from the Corpusanalogy• The Tree of Knowledge is the appropriate analogy.• Lyell's system was, therefore, to exemplify an epistemological analogy.• The main criticism of the argument from analogy is that these two assumptions are inconsistent.• The Hobbesian analogy is considered to be partial and gender-biased.• They assume, that is, that the principles of analogy and local interpretation constrain their experience.• Leave all your old team analogies behind.• To return to the analogy of the lawn sprinkler and the rainstorm, both can explain how the driveway got wet.• The analogy has its limitations, but is a valuable starting analogy with• Levin and Bronshten reach similar conclusions, by analogy with typical terminal-flare meteors.• This problem is sometimes called moral hazard, by analogy with insurance where the phenomenon is well known.• Dr. Wood explained the movement of light by analogy with the movement of water.Origin analogy (1400-1500) Probably from Greek analogia, from analogos; → ANALOGOUSa·nal·o·gy nounChineseSyllable  situations, Corpus between similar two that something seems




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