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单词 diversionary
释义  di·ver·sion·a·ry /daɪˈvɜːʃənəri, də- $ -ˈvɜːrʒəneri/ adjective written  ATTENTIONintended to take someone’s attention away from something 转移注意力的,声东击西的 Most children are skilled in diversionary tactics. 大多数儿童都很会使用转移注意力的小花招。Examples from the Corpusdiversionary• The success of their final run depended on a diversionary air raid.• Sadly the Committee has been side tracked from that task by diversionary arguments about employed lawyers in criminal cases.• Courses can be instrumental or diversionary but not contentious.• It also yields a diversionary problem of continuing interest: what aesthetically pleasing patterns can be achieved?• I do not propose to get involved in what is clearly a diversionary tack.• The bombing was apparently a diversionary tactic, while the Navy landed its troops ashore.• For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.diversionary tactics• For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.di·ver·sion·a·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  take Corpus to someone’s something from away intended attention




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