随便看 |
- the-gateway-arch
- the gator bowl
- the-gator-bowl
- the gaza strip
- the-gaza-strip
- the gemini program
- the-gemini-program
- the general assembly
- the-general-assembly
- the general belgrano
- the-general-belgrano
- the general good
- the generality of
- the generality of something
- the generality of sth
- the general medical council
- the-general-medical-council
- the general public
- the general run of
- the general run of something
- the general run of sth
- the general staff
- the general synod
- the-general-synod
- the geneva convention
- Canine distemper
- Time charter
- Circumflex artery
- Silica sand
- Sioux falls
- Butyric acid
- Master data
- Prototype test
- Magnesium oxide
- Settlement account
- 人性的基本要求
- 人性的弱点:畅销全译版
- 人性解放的最鲜明的一面旗帜——《激流三部曲》
- 人恒过,然后能改
- 人悄悄,月依依,翠帘垂
- 人患不知其过,既知之不能改,是无勇也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 人患志之不立,亦何忧令名不彰邪
- 人患志之不立,亦何忧令名不彰邪。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 人患志之不立,亦何忧令名不彰邪!|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 人情不便处便要回避,彼虽难于言而心厌苦之,此慧者之所必觉也。是以君子体悉人情。悉者,委曲周至之谓也。恤其私,济其愿,成其名,泯其迹,体悉之至也,感人伦于心骨矣。故察言观色者,学之粗也;达情会意者,学之精也。