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单词 district court
释义  Related topics: Lawˌdistrict ˈcourt noun [countable]  SCLa US court of law which deals with cases involving national rather than state law 〔美国〕联邦地区法院〔审理涉及联邦法律而非州法律的案子〕Examples from the Corpusdistrict court• All Supreme Court cases and selected district court cases were prosecuted by a government official.• When Philbrook challenged this arrangement and lost at the district court level, he appealed.• In truth, the district court had a certain advantage.• The district court recognized that the Alabama statute violated the establishment clause as construed by the Supreme Court.• The district court upheld the plan but was reversed by the court of appeals.From Longman Business Dictionarydistrict courtˈdistrict court [countable]LAW in the US, a federal court at which a trial is first heardthe United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York → courtˌdistrict ˈcourt nounChineseSyllable  court Business deals Corpus which of with a US cases law




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