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单词 distastefully
释义 Word family  noun taste distaste tastefulness taster tasting adjective tasteful ≠ tasteless distasteful tasty verb taste adverb tastefully distastefully  dis·taste·ful·ly /dɪsˈteɪstfəli/ adverb written  feeling or showing distaste 厌恶地,反感地 She looked distastefully at the overflowing bin. 她厌恶地看着垃圾塞得满出来了的垃圾箱。Examples from the Corpusdistastefully• From the deck I watch him negotiate the path to the outhouse, his mouth turned down distastefully.• Everybody had money, not distastefully earned.• Hard-edged, smelling distastefully of banknotes on snow, they sketched for her, faster than light, a helix of numbers.dis·taste·ful·ly adverbChineseSyllable  distaste Corpus showing feeling or




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