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单词 distance
释义 Word family  noun distance adjective distant verb distance adverb distantly  dis·tance1 /ˈdɪstəns/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  amount of space 距离 [countable, uncountable]DISTANCE the amount of space between two places or things 距离,间距distance from/between the distance from Chicago to Detroit 芝加哥到底特律的距离 Measure the distance between the two points. 量出两点之间的距离。 The cottage is some distance (=quite a long distance) from the road. 小屋离开大路有些距离。at a distance of 2 feet/10 metres etc A shark can smell blood at a distance of half a kilometer. 鲨鱼能在半公里外闻到血腥味。 RegisterIn everyday English, when talking about how far something is, people often use an expression such as how far or a long/short way rather than the noun distance: 在日常英语中,谈论距离时,人们常用 how far 或 a long/short way 等,而不用名词 distance What is the distance from Chicago to Detroit? → How far is it from Chicago to Detroit? 芝加哥离底特律有多远? | The cottage is some distance from the road. → The cottage is a long way from the road. 小屋到大路有些距离。2  far away 遥远 [singular] used to talk about a situation when something is far away from you in space or time 〔距离的〕遥远;〔时间的〕久远,间隔in the distance Church bells rang in the distance (=they were far away). 远处教堂的钟声响起。at/from a distance We watched from a distance. 我们从远处观看。3  unfriendly feeling 不友好的感情 [singular]UNFRIENDLY a situation in which two people do not have a close friendly relationship 〔两人关系的〕疏远,冷淡distance between There was still a distance between me and my father. 我和父亲之间仍然有些疏远。4  keep your distance a) to stay far enough away from someone or something to be safe 保持距离 A lighthouse on the cliff warns ships to keep their distance. 悬崖上的灯塔警告船只保持距离。 b) (also keep somebody at a distance) to avoid becoming too friendly with someone 和某人保持距离 The neighbours tend to keep their distance. 邻居们往往会有意识地保持距离。5  go the (full) distance informalDS to finish something you have started 坚持到底 Do you think Greg will go the distance this time? 你觉得格雷格这次会坚持到底吗? → long-distance, middle distance COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa long/great/considerable distance 长长的/很长的/相当长的距离The sound of guns seemed a long distance away. 炮声似乎非常遥远。a short distance 近距离I quickly walked the short distance to the car. 我快步走到不远的车子跟前。a safe distance (=enough space to be safe) 安全距离You should keep a safe distance from the car in front. 你应当与前面的车保持安全距离。some distance (=quite a long distance) 有些距离He heard a scream some distance away. 他听到远处传来一声尖叫。vast distances 遥远的距离nThe aircraft is able to carry huge loads over vast distances.the stopping/braking distance (=how far you travel in a car after pressing the brakes) 制动距离nWhat’s the stopping distance at 30 miles an hour?verbstravel a great/long etc distance 走很长的距离In some countries children must travel great distances to school each day. 在一些国家,小孩子每天必须走很远的路去上学。measure the distance between things 测量物体间的距离Now we are able to measure the distances between the planets. 现在我们能够测出行星间的距离。judge distances (=judge how much space there is between things) 判断距离nAnimals that hunt can judge distances very well.phraseswithin (easy) walking distance (=near enough to walk to easily) 在步行距离之内There are lots of restaurants within walking distance. 有许多餐厅步行即可到达。within travelling/commuting/driving distance of something (=near enough to make travel to or from a place possible) 与某物的距离在出行/上下班乘车/开车方便的距离之内The job was not within travelling distance of my home. 这份工作离我家路程太远。within striking distance of something (=not far from something, especially something you are going to attack) 在离某物不远的距离内〔尤指可攻击的范围内〕nTheir troops had advanced to within striking distance of the town.within spitting distance informal (=very near something) 在很近的距离之内nThe ball passed within spitting distance of the goal.nput some distance between yourself and somebody/something (=go quite a long way from them)He wanted to put some distance between himself and his pursuers.Examples from the Corpusdistance• We watched him closely from a distance.• A distance that a bird could cover in an hour might require a week to negotiate.• The result is that their high social mobility does not entail high levels of long distance spatial mobility.• Maskelyne took up, then embraced, then came to personify the lunar distance method.• It is still possible to trace its water courses, some distance from Awre, close to Hall Farm.• Now that there's some distance between us and the accident, it's easier to talk about.• She often asked me about the hills in the distance, beyond the moors, and wanted to ride her pony there.• At the top end of the paddock Arkle haughtily stares into the distance.• What is the distance from New York to Miami?• Measure the distance between the window and the door.• the distance between the earth and the sunsome distance• Usually the animals were spirited away some distance to prevent detection; many ended up at the Colombo slaughterhouse.• It is still possible to trace its water courses, some distance from Awre, close to Hall Farm.• If the path had crossed this line then a clear surface would have been encountered some distance below the clouds.• Ellingwood drove beside the track for some distance, not telling Jimmy where they were headed.• Once at sea level, smooth soapstone slabs had to be traversed for some distance to reach the cliff.• Many houses some distance from the blast which was close to the nearby police station were badly damaged.• He heard a scream, some distance away.• There is clearly still some distance to go.• The church is still some distance a distance• And you could hear them coming from a distance.• It had looked kind of cute, from a distance.• On the screen, two cowboys were exchanging rifle fire at a distance of thirty meters or so.• I've seen him at a distance, I've seen him in bad light.• The solar wind loses its identity in the interstellar medium at a distance no less than that of the outer planets.• Later in the evening, a pack of coyotes surrounds us from a distance for a soulful evening howl.• The spectators may go to a specific sports event, or watch at a distance on television.• Abdul-Rauf is again demonstrating just how difficult it is for the twain to meet, or even wave from a distance.distance between• There was still a certain distance between me and my father.• The economic distance between rich and poor will only cause more trouble for society.• The distance between St. Petersburg and Moscow is 593 miles.distance2 verb  distance yourself (from something) CONNECTED WITHto say that you are not involved with someone or something, especially to avoid being connected with them 使自己(与…)保持距离,撇清自己(和…)的关系 The UNO has firmly distanced itself from the anti-government movement. 联合邻里组织坚决撇清和这场反政府运动的关系。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdistance• Falconer had apparently been playing with the letters of the name, breaking them up, distancing each from the other.• To many, the world in which they appear to have lived seems to have been distanced from reality.• In the ensuing political rumpus John Major shamelessly distanced himself from his henchman.• He regards the trappings of power as more important than dogma, and has distanced himself from the Communists more than once.• He also chose to distance himself geographically.• Finally, Norman began to distance himself.• You must learn to distance yourself.dis·tance1 noun →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1distance2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus space between places two the amount or of things




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