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单词 dissonance
释义  Related topics: Musicdis·so·nance /ˈdɪsənəns/ noun  1. [countable, uncountable]APM technical a combination of notes that sound strange because they are not in harmony 不协和音,不协和和弦 OPP consonance2. [uncountable] formalDISAGREE lack of agreement 不一致,不协调 —dissonant adjectiveExamples from the Corpusdissonance• Revelling in colour and contrast, drama and dissonance, boldness and individualism, it was the architectural legacy of Romanticism.• We will now add a lower part which will turn the consonant effect into one of uniformly relaxed mild dissonance.• a choral piece full of dissonance and odd rhythms• The party faithful might be willing to put up with such dissonance among their candidates.Origin dissonance (1400-1500) Latin dissonare, from sonare “to sound”dis·so·nance nounChineseSyllable  strange combination a because sound that Corpus of notes




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