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单词 disposed
释义  dis·posed /dɪˈspəʊzd $ -ˈspoʊzd/ adjective formal  1  be well/favourably/kindly disposed (to/towards somebody/something) formal ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingto like or approve of someone or something (对某人)有好感,很赞成(某人/某物) Management is favourably disposed to the idea of job-sharing. 管理层很赞成 “一工分做” 的主张。2  be/feel/seem etc disposed to do something formal WILLINGto want or be willing to do something 愿意做某事 SYN inclined Jon disagreed, but did not feel disposed to argue. 乔恩不赞成,但他并不想争辩。3  be disposed to something formal OFTENto have a tendency towards something 倾向于某事物 SYN inclined a man disposed to depression 一个有抑郁倾向的人Examples from the Corpusdisposed• Seb's father was a large, comfortable-looking man who did not seem disposed to make a fuss.• James didn't seem disposed to take the hint.dis·posed adjectiveChineseSyllable  or something someone of or approve to like Corpus




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