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单词 displeased
释义 Word family  noun pleasantry pleasure ≠ displeasure adjective pleasant ≠ unpleasant pleased ≠ displeased pleasing ≠ displeasing pleasurable verb please ≠ displease adverb pleasantly ≠ unpleasantly pleasingly pleasurably  dis·pleased /dɪsˈpliːzd/ adjective formal  ANNOYannoyed or not satisfied 生气的,不悦的 OPP pleased He looked extremely displeased. 他看上去很不开心。displeased with City officials are displeased with the lack of progress. 因为没有取得进展,市政官员很不满意。 —displease verb [transitive] —displeasing adjectiveExamples from the Corpusdispleased• An encouraging voice should always be used, except when you are displeased.• The shareholders in Paris are displeased.• Several readers were displeased about the photos that accompanied the story.• Sarah seemed displeased but did not say anything to me.• Bonner was displeased by Neeman's remarks.• His wife on hearing of this is displeased, so to maintain matrimonial harmony, he sends a telex cancelling his order.• Somewhat reluctantly, Charlotte handed over her daughter- and looked displeased when the baby fell asleep almost at once in Ruth's arms.• Singer was displeased with Barbra Streisand's adaptation of his story "Yentl."dis·pleased adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus satisfied or annoyed not




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