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单词 display
释义  Related topics: Performing, Computersdi·splay1 /dɪˈspleɪ/ ●●● S3 W2 AWL noun [countable]  1  ATTRACTIVE ARRANGEMENTobjects 物体AVSHOW/LET somebody SEE something an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy 展览,陈列,展示display of a superb display of African masks 非洲面具的精彩展览 a dazzling display (=very good display) of flowers 令人目眩神迷的花卉展 The window display caught her eye. 橱窗陈列吸引了她的目光。 display cases containing old photographs 摆放着老照片的陈列柜2  PERFORMANCEentertainment 娱乐APSHOW/LET somebody SEE something a public performance of something that is intended to entertain people 表演 a fireworks display 烟火表演display of a display of juggling 杂耍表演3  on display AVSHOW/LET somebody SEE something a) something that is on display is in a public place where people can look at it 展出,陈列 SYN on show Mapplethorpe’s photographs were first put on display in New York. 梅普尔索普的摄影作品首先在纽约展出。be/go on display One of the world’s oldest cars has gone on display in Brighton today. 今天在布赖顿展出了世界上最古老的汽车中的一辆。 b) if a quality, feeling, or skill is on display, it is very clear and easy to notice 明显的,显而易见的 The musical talent on display is extremely impressive. 表现出来的音乐天赋让人印象极为深刻。4  display of affection/emotion/aggression etc SHOW A FEELING OR ATTITUDEan occasion when someone clearly shows a particular feeling, attitude, or quality 爱意/情绪/攻击性等的流露 Unprovoked displays of aggression cannot be tolerated. 无缘无故的挑衅行为是不可容忍的。5  EQUIPMENTon equipment 设备上TCTD a part of a piece of equipment that shows information, for example a computer screen 显示器 This time the display flashed a red warning signal. 这次显示器上闪烁着红色的警报信号。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa fine/magnificent/spectacular/dazzling display (=a very good one)The museum has a magnificent display of silver.a window display (=in the window of a shop)I stopped to look at something in the window display.a special displayThere was a special display of local photographs.a floral display (=of flowers)The village has won an award for its floral displays.verbscreate a displayShe created an award-winning display at the national garden show.display + NOUNa display case/cabinet (=small cupboard with a glass front)There was a display case full of medals.a display boardSome schools have a display board with photographs of all the staff.a display stand (=table with shelves etc used for showing things to the public)A lot of companies had impressive display stands in the conference hall.Examples from the Corpusdisplay• a display of Shona sculpture from Zimbabwe• a display of strength• The London dealers have just been through and the carefully arranged display is now a scene of devastation.• The outputs are used to directly drive an l.e.d. display, with the l.e.d.s arranged in series pairs as shown.• The festival of Lucia is a dazzling display of the art, music and dance of an ancient culture.• Excellent displays show how animals and plants are displaced by urban growth and the consequences of pollution.• But luck was replaced by pluck and you won't see a finer display of it than last night.• They held a spectacular firework display to mark the new millennium.• The photographic display called Stolen Glances examines the way in which lesbians have been represented in film, fiction and erotica.• Whether they were intended for public display is in doubt.• Ian never did like public displays of affection.• All 44 patients with chronic type B hepatitis had pre-S1 and pre-S2 display in the liver.• The standard television display, a low-resolution video image, has not changed in 30 years.• The store's window display is the idea of designer David Wolfgang.display cases• They take up every available wall space in the hallway, sandwiched between display cases, squeezed between doorways.• The Edwardian display cases containing apparatus whereby Boyle's Law could be proven beyond all reasonable doubt, veritably twinkled.• For the Texas run, new display cases were built as part of a renegotiated contract.• The men then cleaned out display cases of jewelry and fled.• In two of the cottages he could see glass-fronted rifle display cases.• The same display cases, the same carrot-haired woman behind the cash register.• He ignored both the display cases and the safe which was concealed behind a framed eighteenth-century engraving of the City of London.• The glory of the chapel, however, rests in the contents of the display cases.Related topics: Computersdisplay2 ●●● W2 AWL verb  1  SHOW/LET somebody SEE something[transitive] to show something to people, or put it in a place where people can see it easily 展示,陈列 shop windows displaying the latest fashions 展示最新时装的商店橱窗 All the exam results will be displayed on the noticeboard. 所有的考试成绩将在布告板上公布。2  SHOW A FEELING OR ATTITUDE[transitive] to clearly show a feeling, attitude, or quality by what you do or say 显示,显露〔某种情感、态度或特质〕 She displayed no emotion on the witness stand. 她在证人席上面无表情。 ten piano pieces, each written to display the talents of individual players 十首钢琴曲,每一首都为了展示演奏者的才华而作3  TDTC[transitive] if a computer or something similar displays information, it shows it on its screen 显示〔信息〕 I pressed ‘return’ and an error message was displayed. 我按了 “回车” 键就出现一条错误信息。4. [intransitive] if a male bird or animal displays, it behaves in a particular way as a signal to other birds or animals, especially to attract a female 〔尤指雄性动物为吸引雌性而〕炫耀,夸示→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisplay• The Van Gogh Museum will display 135 of his paintings.• That is not the only mode in which it might be displayed.• In one room, late 19th and early 20th century paintings are displayed.• Having already displayed a contempt for civilized society, he or she can not be considered a part of it.• Many pieces of both 14 and 17C metalwork display a distinctive spiky naturalism which is paralleled elsewhere in stone and wood.• The previous government displayed a notable lack of enthusiasm for women's rights.• However, it is clear that he was not displaying a taxi roof sign.• Stallions may show a lack of normal courtship behaviour, raping or savaging mares or displaying an inability to mate.• Early in life, Frederick displayed an interest in poetry.• The licence must be clearly displayed in the car windscreen.• Local train and bus times are displayed in the station.• Laura's friend displayed little emotion in court.• I'm displaying my ignorance here, but could you just tell us exactly what your job as a geologist involves?• Memos of this type are often displayed on notice boards for general information.• The store windows were displaying the latest spring fashions.• Press 'Enter' to display the sorted mailing list.• As each is finished a way of displaying the student work is found.• Many stalls displayed the work of local artists and craftsmen.• The contestants here today have displayed tremendous skill.• One of the robbers displayed what the victims thought was a handgun.From Longman Business Dictionarydisplaydi‧splay1 /dɪˈspleɪ/ noun1[countable, uncountable]MARKETING an attractive arrangement of objects for people to look at or buy, for example in a shopenormous shops with beautiful window displaysthe wide range of goods on display → island display2[uncountable]MARKETING printing or page design to attract people’s attention, used especially in advertisementsbig display adverts with prominent slogans3[countable]COMPUTING the text or pictures you see on a computer screen, or the style, colour, brightness etc of thisthe use of different kinds of devices to control a display on the computer monitorSelect ‘Display’ and a dialogue box will appear with a choice of screen display options.displaydisplay2 verb [transitive]1to arrange objects in an attractive way for people to look at or buy, for example in a shopThe clothes were beautifully displayed.2COMPUTING if a computer displays information, it shows it on its screenIf you try to open a document that is already open, the software will display an error message.→ See Verb tableOrigin display2 (1500-1600) Anglo-French despleier, from Latin displicare “to unfold”di·splay1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1display2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of arrangement things for an people to Business look Corpus




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