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单词 dismissal
释义  dis·miss·al /dɪsˈmɪsəl/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]PE when someone is removed from their job 解雇,开除 Wilson was claiming compensation for unfair dismissal. 威尔逊正在就无理解雇要求赔偿。 No dismissals have been announced yet. 尚未宣布有人被解雇。2  [uncountable]REJECT/NOT ACCEPT when someone decides or says that something is not important, serious, or true 否定,轻视 Gill’s dismissal of the book as ‘386 pages of rubbish’ 吉尔将这本书斥为 “386页的垃圾”3. [countable, uncountable] a decision by a judge to stop a court case 〔法官的〕驳回诉讼Examples from the Corpusdismissal• Disapproval alone is no basis for dismissal.• Perhaps you will accept his dismissal.• But normally, dismissal seemed out of all proportion to the alleged fault.• It also made Julia angry, pointing up the unnecessary rudeness of Comfort's dismissal of David.• Luke's dismissal of Elise as a mere client had rekindled all her misgivings.• Rader's dismissal had been rumored for weeks.• The rebuke or the dismissal, then, becomes more fuel for their assumption that things are always being done to them.• the dismissal of a lawsuit• A wrongful dismissal may be fair.unfair dismissal• Practical implications Almost all constructive dismissal cases involve an unfair dismissal claim.• The hearing in which Tobin claims unfair dismissal continues.• Four of those chosen brought this action for unfair dismissal.• The union withdrew its support; the women lost their case for unfair dismissal as a consequence.• Only employees with two or more years' continuous service qualify for unfair dismissal rights.• The unfair dismissal jurisdiction accounts for about three-quarters of the business of the tribunals.• Anyone who believes they have been subject to unfair dismissal can complain to an industrial tribunal.From Longman Business Dictionarydismissaldis‧miss‧al /dɪsˈmɪsəl/ noun [countable, uncountable]HUMAN RESOURCES when someone is removed from their job by their employerThe 11 employees would face disciplinary action, ranging from reprimand to suspension or dismissal.There will not be any dismissals of teachers. → constructive dismissal → unfair dismissaldis·miss·al nounChineseSyllable  job from someone when is Corpus Business their removed




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