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单词 coach
释义  Related topics: Sport, Education, Trains & railways, Bicycles, carts, horsescoach1 /kəʊtʃ $ koʊtʃ/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  IN A SPORTsport 体育运动 [countable]DS someone who trains a person or team in a sport 教练 a tennis coach 网球教练 the Norwegian national coach 挪威国家队教练► see thesaurus at teacher2. IN A SCHOOL SUBJECThelp for exam 帮助备考 [countable] especially British EnglishSE someone who gives private lessons to someone in a particular subject, especially so that they can pass an examination 私人教师,家庭教师3  BUSbus 公共汽车 [countable] British English a bus with comfortable seats used for long journeys 〔内有舒适座椅的〕长途公共汽车 SYN American English busby coach We went to Paris by coach. 我们坐长途汽车去巴黎。on a coach She’s going to Grimsby on a coach. 她打算乘长途汽车去格里姆斯比。 a coach trip to Scotland 去苏格兰的长途公共汽车之行 The restaurant was full of coach parties (=groups of people travelling together on a coach). 这家饭店里用餐的全是乘长途公共汽车的旅游团。4. IN A TRAINtrain 火车 [countable] British EnglishTTT one of the parts of the train in which the passengers sit 旅客车厢 SYN American English car5. PULLED BY HORSEShorses 马 [countable]TTB a large carriage pulled by horses and used in the past for carrying passengers 公共马车,四轮大马车6  A CLASS OF TRAVELin plane/train 在飞机/火车上 [uncountable] American EnglishTTTTTA the cheapest type of seats on a plane or train 〔飞机的〕经济舱;〔火车的〕普通旅客车厢 We flew coach out to Atlanta. 我们坐经济舱飞往亚特兰大。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: someone who trains a person or team in a sporttypes of coacha football/basketball/tennis etc coachJody became the women’s basketball coach.the head coach (=the coach in charge of a team)Jim is head coach of the Dallas assistant coachHe took a job as an assistant coach at the college.a national coach (=for a team that represents a whole country)Davies was the national coach up to the 1995 World Cup.the team coachHe’s the youth team coach.a top coach (=a very good one)He’s one of America’s top coaches.a professional coach (=one whose job is teaching a sport)The tennis club has a professional coach.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: a bus with comfortable seats used for long journeystypes of coachan express coach (=travelling quickly without stopping much)Express coach services run throughout the day.a passenger coachThe company had thirty-five new passenger coaches.a tourist coachA huge number of tourist coaches visit the air-conditioned coachTravel is by air-conditioned coach.verbsgo/travel by coachWe spent three days travelling by coach across France.get on/get off a coachA group of tourists were getting on the coach.board a coach formal (=get on one)When everyone was there, we boarded the coach for the journey + NOUNa coach tripThe two-night coach trip to Paris will cost £149.a coach tourHow about going on a coach tour around Europe this year?a coach excursion (=a relatively short coach journey to visit a place)There are coach excursions to the great classical site at Ephesus. a coach party (=a group of people who travel by coach)We’re organizing a coach party to the theatre.a coach driverHe worked as a part-time coach driver.a coach stationYou will go from Victoria Coach Station to Amsterdam.a coach serviceOur express coach service goes to the South of France and Costa travelThe advantage of coach travel is that it’s relatively cheap.Examples from the Corpuscoach• She knows almost no one in the Bay Area except her teammates and coaches.• a basketball coach• Chaney is one of the best coaches in the country, but he doesn't score any points for neatness.• a drama coach• Many businesspeople have begun flying coach to save money.• We got a professional football coach to come and help us train the team.• Word comes from Boston that longtime coach and scout John Killilea died.• When the painting is complete it will be married with the Londonderry and Lough Swilly coach body now in store at Pennyburn.• As the coach was loaded on Sunday morning, the children looked on sadly.• If he was careful she might even allow him to travel back with her on the coach.• She's the coach of the volleyball team.• The coach makes his decisions and he is the boss.on a coach• When we look at older people we often see large groups of grey heads on coaches or in cheap supermarkets.• Mr. Mendez wanted to put him on a coach and send him down there in style, but Russell kept backing off.• We can't just nip on a coach and go somewhere for the day.• But most of all she loved the fact that it wasn't full of sun-seeking OAPs on coach tours.• She uses her last shillings to buy passage on a coach to the farthest destination they afford.• Before this match there had been pressure on coach Bernard Laporte and his team to produce the goods.• The rest of the day is spent on a coach tour of Prague.• Waved to some strangers on a coach.coach2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  TEACHto teach a person or team the skills they need for a sport 〔在体育方面〕当…的教练,训练,培训,指导 SYN train, → coaching Nigel coaches a cricket team in his spare time. 奈杰尔业余时间担任一个板球队的教练。► see thesaurus at teach2  especially British EnglishTEACH to give someone private lessons in a particular subject, especially so that they can pass an important test 为…补习,辅导 → coachingcoach somebody in/for something The child was coached for stardom by her mother. 这个孩子由母亲培养她当明星。3  TEACHto help someone prepare what they should say or do in a particular situation – used to show disapproval 指导〔某人在某情况下应该说什么或做什么;含贬义〕 → coachingcoach somebody in/on something The girl must have been carefully coached in what to say in court. 这女孩肯定被仔细教过在法庭上该说什么话。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscoach• He seems to enjoy coaching children.• She also sang with Lothian Gaelic Choir and coached disabled horse riders.• James used to coach high school football.• He once coached Hollander, and he was thrilled to see the young man top Davis and make the world team.• When I played pro ball, I'd volunteer and coach in the off-season.• It was raining then, but she was focused on the job, on the opportunity to coach in the Pac-10.• Drake started coaching lawyers on their opening statements a decade ago.• As well as teaching French, Martin coached tennis in his spare time.• We need someone to coach the school team.Origin coach1 1. (1500-1600) French coche, from German kutsche, probably from Hungarian kocsi (szeker) “carriage from Kocs”, from Kocs village in Hungary; 2. because a trainer “drives” students through their testscoach1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2coach2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  or trains a person someone in Corpus who team a




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