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单词 disenchanted
释义  dis·en·chant·ed /ˌdɪsɪnˈtʃɑːntɪd $ -ˈtʃænt-/ adjective  DISAPPOINTEDdisappointed with someone or something, and no longer believing that they are good 失望的,灰心的,不再抱有幻想的 SYN disillusioneddisenchanted with By that time I was becoming disenchanted with the whole idea. 到那个时候,我对那种想法灰心了。► see thesaurus at disappointed —disenchantment noun [uncountable] Voters expressed growing disenchantment with the government. 选民对政府表达了越来越强烈的失望情绪。Examples from the Corpusdisenchanted• The party's greatest problem is trying to win back the support of its own disenchanted members.• Radical intellectuals were the most disenchanted of all.• A more realistic threat could be posed by a disenchanted or jealous army officer.• Heads now have the task of leading tired and disenchanted teachers through the greatest innovation of all.• Also, the world becoming disenchanted, the spirits and demons expelled from the air were now taken inside.• After three divorces he must be pretty disenchanted with married life.• But I'd also become disenchanted with pro-lifers who seemed to be saying that they loved my unborn baby but hated me!disenchanted with• Voters seem disenchanted with government in general.dis·en·chant·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  with something, no someone or and longer Corpus disappointed




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