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单词 discontented
释义  dis·con·tent·ed /ˌdɪskənˈtentɪd◂/ adjective  SATISFIED#unhappy or not satisfied with the situation you are in 不满的,不满足的,不愉快的 OPP contenteddiscontented with She became increasingly discontented with her work. 她对自己的工作越来越不满了。 —discontentedly adverbExamples from the Corpusdiscontented• Just send a copy of this letter to five of your friends who are equally tired and discontented.• It's an encounter with women on the edge of transition, discontented and yet disarmed.• He argues that servants were inclined to be discontented as they observed others climb in society.• Their reference is to the middle-class norm of the discontented housewife.• But we grow discontented in Eden, which Danu was not.• You know Donald, I feel oddly discontented with the way things are done these days.• Discontented workers joined the protests.dis·con·tent·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  the are unhappy situation not with satisfied or Corpus you




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