单词 |
disconnected |
释义 |
Word family noun connection connectedness connector adjective connected ≠ disconnected ≠ unconnected verb connect ≠ disconnect dis·con·nect·ed /ˌdɪskəˈnektɪd◂/ adjective CONNECTED WITHdisconnected thoughts or ideas do not seem to be related to each other 〔思想或想法〕不连贯的,无关联的 SYN unrelatedExamples from the Corpusdisconnected• That washing machine doesn't work. It's been disconnected.• Is knowledge lost from memory or does it change, becoming vague and imprecise, or distorted, or disconnected and fragmented?• The plot is disconnected and unbelievable.• I know I have been reduced to a babble of disconnected comments, which don't really say much.• When the power was disconnected, he carefully removed the back of the computer.• It's easier, though, to remember a meaningful sentence or phrase of six words than to remember six disconnected words.dis·con·nect·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable disconnected ideas or be not do related thoughts to seem Corpus |
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- futons
- future
- future perfect
- future-perfect
- futureperfect
- future-proof
- future proof
- futureproof
- futures
- futures market
- futures-market
- futuresmarket
- Future Systems
- futuresystems
- future-systems
- futurism
- futurist
- futuristic
- futurity
- futurologist
- futurologists
- futurology
- futz
- futz around
- fuze
- Bareheaded
- Gamekeeper
- Distantly
- Thomas aquinas
- Moral philosophy
- Commissioning
- Sky blue
- Scatty
- Hypocotyl
- Massed
- 《善作者不必善成,善始者不必善终.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《善作者不必善成,善始者不必善终.》是什么意思,出处是出自哪里?
- 《善养生者,则不然矣,清虚静泰,少私寡欲,知名位之伤德,故忽而不营,非欲而强禁也;识厚味之害性,故弃而弗顾,非贪而后抑也,外物以累心不存,神气以醇白独著,旷然无忧患,寂然无思虑,又守之以一,养之以和,和理日济,同乎大顺,然后蒸以灵芝,润以醴泉,晞以朝阳,绥以五弦,无为自得,体妙心玄,忘欢而后乐足,遗生而后身存,若此以往,庶可与羡门比寿,王乔争年,何为其无有哉!》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《善养生者,当知五失.不知保身,一失也;病不早治,二失也;治不译疾,三失也;喜峻药攻,四失也;信巫不信医,五失也.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《善养生者,慎起居,节饮食,导引关节,吐故纳新.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
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- 《善刀而藏,见好就收》成语意思解释与出处|例句
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- 《善则称人,过则称己.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《善则称人,过则称己》原文与赏析
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