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单词 disconcert
释义  dis·con·cert /ˌdɪskənˈsɜːt $ -ɜːrt/ verb [transitive]  CONFUSEDWORRIEDto make someone feel slightly confused, embarrassed, or worried 使困惑;使尴尬;使不安 —disconcerted adjective a disconcerted look 困惑的表情→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisconcert• She was not as disconcerted as she had expected to be.• Sometimes, she thought she disconcerted Hawk with her love, but he kept apace with her.• Nothing was known to disconcert him, certainly not the death of a man he had disliked.• This new benignity and tolerance a little disconcerted him.Origin disconcert (1600-1700) Old French desconcerter, from concerter “to bring into agreement”dis·con·cert verbChineseSyllable  feel slightly someone to confused, Corpus embarrassed, make




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